announcement Seeking Moderators


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
Hey guys,

We'll be seeking moderators soon. This is a volunteer position so we ask you already spend a lot of time here, so you do not feel obligated. You will receive extra permissions to help keep the place in order and moderate members. This will include moving posts, helping keep topics on track, putting out fires before they become flame wars, issuing warning points, etc. You must be comfortable with this and be able to act objectively.

At this point we are asking for members to SUGGEST ANOTHER MEMBER. Why? We feel you guys know the members best, you interact daily and you know who has a level head, and who helps keep the peace. If that member sees they have been mentioned and is interested they are free to PM me.

EDIT: We are also seeking PMs from interested members.

I have not been as active as I would have liked to have been so I don't know the memberbase like I used to. Help the community by suggesting a member or two and we'll go from there, thanks!
JoshL. I know you're probably too busy with your music, Josh, but I also know you have a level head. =)
Alcove Audio
Jax Rox

They are the names that come to mind that haven't already been nominated. I'm sure more will come to me.
WalterB and Jax Rox seem the most fair to me, even level of criticism all round.

I would nominate myself but id let everyone rip each other to pieces for pure entertainment purposes ...

They are the names that come to mind that haven't already been nominated. I'm sure more will come to me.

I think richy would be a good nomination.

APE and Rik.. IDK. I think that'd be a shame if they used what time they have on the board to moderate and merge threads rather than posting and giving their expert advice.

Maybe they have enough time to do both, in which case yeah they're fine nominations.
Alcove Audio

As others have said with the latter three. sfoster's on a LOT and has been here for a long time. I don't think I've ever seen him really vanish for any noticeable amount of time. Nor have I ever seen him argue with people.

I mean he didn't even argue with me when I questioned his abilities on his super cop "I'm gonna make a short by X date" thread. He simply accepted that things weren't falling into place and that he misjudged his priorities in handling it.

He is the ONLY user I've seen that doesn't just shoot back. I would nominate him over any other user on the site. Even you IT.
He is the ONLY user I've seen that doesn't just shoot back. I would nominate him over any other user on the site. Even you IT.

And understood I would be horrible! I am getting back in the swing though I miss you guys!!!!!
Originally posted by skycopeland:
As others have said with the latter three. sfoster's on a LOT and has been here for a long time. I don't think I've ever seen him really vanish for any noticeable amount of time. Nor have I ever seen him argue with people.

I mean he didn't even argue with me when I questioned his abilities on his super cop "I'm gonna make a short by X date" thread. He simply accepted that things weren't falling into place and that he misjudged his priorities in handling it.

He is the ONLY user I've seen that doesn't just shoot back. I would nominate him over any other user on the site. Even you IT.

Great point(s) SkyCopeland - I second that nomination.
Great suggestions, anyone can feel free to PM me at this point, thanks!
Not been on here so much recently and the members list seems to have vanished, so all my recommendations are semi-old-timers. That said, the most important thing with something like this is finding people who really want to do it. For all I know, these people might have no interest!

WalterB: I've always found Walter smart, friendly and calm. To be honest, those are the most important qualities for a role like this. I think he'd be a great choice.

richy: Probably not the sort of person to give reams of advice, but someone who is always supportive and considerate. I think he'd do an excellent job of being fair and sensible.

Jax_Rox: If you're nominating on the basis of people who continually offer well informed, well written and even handed advice, then Jax is the best candidate. He's been consistently one of the best sources of camera advice for several years now, and never seems to get embroiled in the petty bickering that tends to populate tech threads.

Those are the 3 that I'd approach and hopefully 1 or 2 of them would fancy the job!
Thanks for the votes but I'm going to have to rule myself out on the basis of increased work commitments which means if anything I'll be spending less time here this year. I'd nominate Alcove but fear he maybe in a similar situation, as too might be Jax.

If Alcove or Jax can't do it, I think sfoster or Richy would be the best practical choices if they're interested.

Although I'm here quite often (sometimes too often :P ) and I'm flattered that some people think I have what it takes to do it, I don't feel like I can fully commit to it.
For 2 reasons:
- Time. If I commit to something I will have to make time for it. It's no use if I'm a mod who can dissappear for days/weeks/months, because I'm too busy. Me moderating the forum would more or less based on coincidence than checking all posts. Who needs a fly-by-mod?
- I'm not sure I'd like to 'police' the forum. I don't mind banning obvious spammers, merging dublicate threats and stuff. But I don't want to 'babysit' (although the IT-forum hardly needs that :) )
That's cool man, thanks!

sfoster if interested shoot me a PM, there's not much going on as far as moderating right now anyway, for anyone considering. :)
WalterB and Jax Rox seem the most fair to me, even level of criticism all round.

I would nominate myself but id let everyone rip each other to pieces for pure entertainment purposes ...

And for this reason, I nominate Film Autre. He would throw fuel onto the fire... He and APE would be the most hilarious moderators ever.

Not sure you'd have a forum left but I'd find it funny...
We are seeking more than one, and one member has expressed interest via PM, so still looking. :)