Secret Santa

Cheers gents, got your PMs and, consequently, your emails...

@Tinalera- Don't really know what SOL means (I'm not really down with these hip acronyms), but if it means Sort Of Late, or words to that extent, then not at all! We're still signing up until the 10th December... Shall I add your name to the list?
Good job on getting the email adresses to me peeps! :D

I'm still waiting on: Cracker Funk, Zensteve, Gooberman, SinEater and Truestar...

I'll send out the emails on Friday morning British time. Everyone can then confirm that they join the group and write a 'Wish List' (any fun things you want included in your video gift). Then, once everyone's joined, the names will be drawn and distributed...

So sending me your email adresses is key! The sooner, the better. :cool:
Ok it's deadline day over here. I'm keen to get the emails off asap because people need to sign up before we can draw names. So hopefully very one can get their email and reply to it before the weekend.

@gooberman: I've lifted the email address from your blog and unless I hear differently then this is the one I'll use.

@Truestar@SinEater: Guys if you come online then please send me your emails as soon as possible. I've looked hard but I can't find any email addresses. The longer we wait for these then the less time everyone has to make their films... :(

If anyone knows these guys emails then can you send 'em to me?

If anyone else wants to sign up then send me your email super quickkkkkkk! :D
Thanks SinEater... got it.

Well I have everyone's email (presuming the one I have for Goober is correct) except TrUEsTAr...os tRuEsTAr, if you're out there, send me your email and send it quick :D

Cheers. I will try and make the draw as soon as I have all the emails...
Cheers Truestar, right in the nick of proverbial...

The emails have been sent!

As quickly as possibly (so preferably as soon as you receive the email, because it only takes a minute or two) can you join the group and enter your wishlist. Once everyone has done that the names will be drawn. But it will wait until everyone has joined....
Good start to the group joining process...

We are just waiting on the following:

Flicker Pictures
Ernest Worthing

If you see this post then please check your email and follow the instructions provided! :cool:

EDIT: Also, if anyone else wants to join then this is absolutely the last chance, because I can only add new people up until the point where the above six people join the group and the members are draw. So if you want to take part then send me your email addresses A.S.A.P!
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I'm sorry everyone. I hope i have not been the last to join the group and caused everyone a delay.

I went to Portugal for the weekend and did not have access to the internet.

My apologies.

I'm sorry everyone. I hope i have not been the last to join the group and caused everyone a delay.

I went to Portugal for the weekend and did not have access to the internet.

My apologies.


No problem Mr.Worthing, we're still waiting on Zensteve...

@Zensteve: If you're out there, please sign up soon!

Cheer! :D
Hah, sorry. Was away on a last-minute weekend shoot. Didn't realise I had to do something.

I clicked the link, hit Join. :)

Don't know what to do about wish list, so left it blank.

Edit: I now have the drawn name emailed to me. :cool:
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