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Screenplay Idea

For the past couple of days I've been thinking pretty heavily about a new screenplay idea. As you all know, 65% of what comes to mind has already been done in some shape or form, and another 10% is probably being done as we speak. Still, I love the challenge of coming up with a new idea; it's no doubt my favorite part of the process.

Let me get to the point. I've come up with something that I'VE never seen before and I'm going to do an extensive amount of research to make sure it hasn't already been done. So, if you know of something similar by all means tell me because I don't want to be one of those screenwriters who has a canny ability to create things that has already been created.

I'm not too far in yet but so far, this is what I've got.

-28 year old male. Bank CEO. Loses his wife to a car accident of which he was the driver. Romantic and fun-loving guy whom everyone loved.
-Two years later, he's now 30 years old but he's no longer appears to be that romantic, fun-loving guy anymore. His heart has turned cold.
-He meets a 19 year old girl through a business deal, a girl who he has seen before. She's full of life, but is very business savvy. There's something about her that draws him in, he doesn't know what, and he ends up seeking refuge in this much younger girl.

Twist: This 19 year old girl is a vampire who's next in line to take the throne of becoming the leader of her kind. While battling her own issues, will this young women be accepted to rule with a human by her side? & what are they both willing to do to overcome the many issues that lirk between them?

I know, I know.....vampires. Something about them intrigues me, and besides for a few movies such as Underworld, I've yet to see a movie about a main female vampire character who holds more power then anyone else her kind. Normally, it's the males who take all the authority so I think this will be a refreshing change.

Let me know what you think. I appreciate constructive critisim :)
though seriously...

Your idea needs to answer some serious questions, and these could be major plot points!

Question One: Is the vampire 19 years old, or was she turned into a vampire 200 years ago when she was 19?

Question Two: Why on earth would a hot Vampire Babe inline to assume the rule of unimaginably wealthy underground empire give a second look to some malcontent, unhappy, cold hearted, depressed 30 year old dude that is likely having issues with personal hygiene! ??

Im guessing that at your age 30 seems old, but its not, not even in movies..
At 30, hes no HOT bodied 21 year old stud, and hes not OLD enough to have any REAL POWER in business... Nor is he old enough to be a "father figure" which is a common theme that could work for you.. Make him mid 40's and she might see him as a father she never had..

Answering question 2 might be the main PLOT of the movie.. maybe we find out that he is the GREAT immortal leader that was banished, striped of rank and power, for some transgression that left him devoid of memories... making the way in the new world he found him self let him have this short, but normal life.. this is why the vamp is attracted to him, even though EVERYTHING about him makes him unattractive to her.. they discover his past together.. with the truth coming out int he final vamp battle!
More vampires? Seriously? Between motion pictures and television shows, they are getting done to death (pun not intended) right now thanks to the rekindling of the franchise (Blade, Underworld, Twilight saga, True Blood, among others). Twilight at least had a fresh approach with them glowing like diamonds instead of blowing up in a cloud of fire and ash when exposed to sunlight. But the whole love affair reminds me of Angel from the Buffy series and his spin off. And coincidentally (or not) there was a werewolf in that TV series.

You'd really need a unique hook. No way I'd attempt a vampire flick right now. Everybody and their dog is probably writing one now given the recent successes.

Have fun with it. :cheers:
I'm just starting on this, so there are a lot of unanswered questions right now and the questions you asked Wheatgrinder, are very good questions for me to think about.

As for the age, you're right- 30 isn't old, but I didnt intend for him to be "old" and I don't want her looking at him as her father figure. I deffinately need to come up with a reason as to why she's so attracted to him though, and I think I've got one in mind.

There are many vampire related things out and about right now, but it's because vampires sell, and I think my idea of having a female vampire authority figure is refreshing. You are right though, VPTurner, I'd need to have a great hook. But it's challenge I'm gladly going to take. Afterall, to be a reat screenwriter coming up with a "unique hook" is what it's all about. If I can't do that then this business is not for me is how I see it.

Thanks for all the great advice, keep it coming! I'm just starting this out, so there's deffinately a lot to fix and think about and you've offered some great stuff.

Thanks :)
Well since shes a vamp, she can be 200 years old and still LOOK 19, which is the best of both worlds.. You could have fun with the mix up.. right..

Human society sees this 30 year old man cavorting with a teenager (19 is a teen) and shun him as an almost pedophile\cradle robber.. while the vampire society sees her involvement with a 30 year old man in much the same way.. she is after all 200 years old, and hes just a "kid"
So far you don’t have a story. You have the background and a
situation. What’s your story? Where does it start?

Already you’re getting advice about bits and pieces and scenes and
characters. But there is no story. Try telling the story from the
first scene without giving us any background.
How about something like:

A car accident has left THE WIFE paralyzed and in a coma for years.
In a moment of weakness the faithful HUSBAND is nearly seduced by a much younger woman (THE GIRL) that can and will bring the wife out of her coma IF the husband willingly surrenders his soul as per the terms of a dark ascension ritual that will make the girl a vampire leader.

Being evil, the girl wakes the wife from her coma, but leaves her forever a bloodthirsty and paralyzed shell of her former self. The husband now wants no part of any soul surrendering ritual, so he goes on the run from the girl and her blood sucking goons, and totes along his paralyzed wife that he must “feed”.

While on the run he struggles with thoughts of killing his wife to spare her from what he did to save her, but he knows besides all the horrors of having to kill the love of his life, to do so would also fulfill the ritual of the girl’s ascension and lose him his soul.

With time running out he realizes he can no longer bare to see his wife this way, so somehow using free will he tricks the girl into killing the wife which voids her becoming ruler, but leaves the husband appearing to be a murderer, and also as per the terms of the ascension… makes him the dark leader.

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How about something like:

A car accident has left THE WIFE paralyzed and in a coma for years.
In a moment of weakness the faithful HUSBAND is nearly seduced by a much younger woman (THE GIRL) that can and will bring the wife out of her coma IF the husband willingly surrenders his soul as per the terms of a dark ascension ritual that will make the girl a vampire leader.

Being evil, the girl wakes the wife from her coma, but leaves her forever a bloodthirsty and paralyzed shell of her former self. The husband now wants no part of any soul surrendering ritual, so he goes on the run from the girl and her blood sucking goons, and totes along his paralyzed wife that he must “feed”.

While on the run he struggles with thoughts of killing his wife to spare her from what he did to save her, but he knows besides all the horrors of having to kill the love of his life, to do so would also fulfill the ritual of the girl’s ascension and lose him his soul.

With time running out he realizes he can no longer bare to see his wife this way, so somehow using free will he tricks the girl into killing the wife which voids her becoming ruler, but leaves the husband appearing to be a murderer, and also as per the terms of the ascension… makes him the dark leader.


Nice. I'd pay to see that. :lol: