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watch Scorch Trailer, shot on canon 5D

Hello everyone! Im a filmmaker from Sweden and this is the first time at this forum.

Have a look at the trailer for the short film Scorch, a little film i shot in 3 days. Had a lot of problems with the weather, especially the ash from Iceland messing up the flights. :grumpy:

It's shot in the southern part of Sweden using a Canon 5D with nikon lenses, a jib and a sennheiser MKH416 for the sound. An incredibly small team and a super low budget, but I hope the little cash we had followed on to the screen.

Hope you like it! Feel free to contact me for whatever reason, im always looking for interesting stuff or contacts!

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Looks absolutely gorgeous - you've found some great locations. It feels more like a teaser than a trailer in that you don't give that much away about the story, but the editing and score grabbed me straight away. Is the film going to be available online at any point?

(Just out of curiosity, since I'm looking at hiring either a 5D or 7D for a shoot - how was pulling focus on the 5D without having a full res HD output to a monitor? Or did you not use a monitor at all?)
We used the 3 inch display on the camera :) Perhaps not the best option considering it was full daylight and the camera was on a jib. The photographer looked really oldschool with his head and camera under a black cloth. But if you are on a low budget there is no choice really. Not to mention the problem with electricity. If you have a monitor it's great but obviously it can work without.

It will be avaliable online but first i will try and enter a few film festivals. It's currently in post production and is expected to be finsihed in a few weeks.

If you have a local film festival close to you. No matter what size feel free to send me a message and i will do my best to try and get it in there.

Ah great, thank you - it's nice to know that it's possible! Would love to see it when it's up :) My first feature's not finished yet so I haven't really looked around for festivals, but if I find anything good I'll be sure to let you know.

(Just downloaded the 1080p version of the trailer from YouTube - looks even more stunning.)
Hey martinlindstrom

Question for you. While you guys were shooting with the 5D did you and your team experience any stuttering on pans/movement? On a lot of videos I watched demoing the Canon 5D I saw a lot of jerking/stuttering/banding(?) with the footage. I hear this is a problem DSLRs but your footage didn't seem to fall victim of it.

Thoughts on this?
Hey Opus , could you give an example , I am new to this , but could be just the shutter as Phil Blooms videos don't show any choppiness and he sets his shutter at double the frame rate.
But I think I have noticed what you are talking about on a lot of vids on the net. Just wanted to know if we are talking about the same thing.
I'm not sure if the firmware update even took this anomaly into consideration, but the 5D scans vertically line-by-line, and does create the 'jello' effect when panning too fast. I think with intelligent camera work, you can avoid this.
Your film has a good feel to it.... The lead has a great look to him and seems like he can act.

I would have preferred a more interesting backdrop, or some color correction on the background, or some establishing shots (even in the trailer), but in general I really liked the visuals. It looks like you had a lush, wide landscape to shoot in, so I'd like to get a sense of the isolation the characters find themselves in. The landscape shots in Truman, for example, really enhanced the film.

I also thought the music was a bit pedestrian. Sure, slide guitar fits well but your musiscian could be a bit more inventive, IMHO.

Did you have any reliability issues with the Canon? I love the look of their cameras but have heard about this from a number of people both on and offline.


Here's another film shot with the same cam. Pretty impressive colors:


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If one want to have those kind of colors it's no problem, me on the other hand want to remove rather then add. It's color corrected but from the standpoint less is more. But thats more a question of taste. Same goes for the music.
One could make a wall of sound, but that's for another movie :)

And yes, people have some problems with the 5D, but as michael says, as long as you know it and don't pan too fast etc it's no problem. So there are some limitations but nothing thats impossible.
It's color corrected but from the standpoint less is more

I thought this after I posted my comments. The way you've understated the colors on the faces works pretty well. It's more the background I was thinking of. You're right that a bunch of people go over board in color correction and it ruins some films.

As far as the slide goes, I like the minimalism, just would have liked a more challenging track.

These are all just my random opinions as a newb to filmmaking though. Your trailer was a great advert for that camera, and I definitely want to see your film..
No worries :) The music was made during the night previous to the release of the teaser. With logic crashing 4 times so I guess that might explain the minimalism a bit... =)

I just placed the last cuts on the film and we had a lot of problems on set, mostly with the weather so we had to go from our initial four days on set to two... not the ideal situation. Had to take away a few things from the script but thats life as an indie filmmaker i guess. :(

So there are a few places where i wish i could have had more pictures, but considering the circumstances i think it will work nice. Now there are just specialeffects, a million soundeffects and soundmixing left :) It will be avaliable online after i try my luck on film festivals so hang in there!
Im curious if the sky had that much detail in the viewfinder? Did you use graduated ND filters or anything like that, or was it all post etc.. Im just starting out and have difficulty getting good subject exposure AND sky detail in the same frame.. .(