archived-videos Schoon Genoeg (Well Done) - 48HFP Dark Comedy

During the last weekend of august I finally participated in the 48 Hour Film Project :)
We had to make a dark comedy.
There were 44 teams, so there were 4 screening groups (A, B, C, D)
In group C we were 2nd runner up for the Audience Award, leaving 2 nominees for best film behind us :)
We also got nominated for best music and best use of line.
Although we didn't win any award, we are proud of the result.
(Yes, it is not perfect: I see a number of flaws. Some I should have noticed on set: I was the director I had to be more in control when asking about the focus. Lesson learnt: giving everyone the room to excel is good, but keep double-checking.)

BEWARE: it contains strong language.
The subtitles are in close captions.

I hope you can enjoy this :)
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I think that in general viewers are more attracted to images of/with people than buildings, so yes I think it would be a better choice.
Damn, Walter, this is pretty good! I particularly laughed at the 'passionate about young girls in leotards' line :lol:
Hahaha, thanks!
That line made me laugh pretty hard as well when I read it for the first time (and the second time ;) )

Next week I'll have French and Spanish subtitles as well.
In the meantime I finally added the French and Spanish subtitles.
And our short was named in an article about subtitlng workshops and using subtitles to reach beyond your own language as an example of impossible to translate while keeping the whole double meaning. LOL
It is true.

No were quite happy with the size of the cast. More would only make it longer, but probably not really better.
Anyway, we were confined by the size of our preselected cast and it turned out great :-)
Today, after 51 weeks the amount of views surpassed the winner of 2015.

We did set the bar high with this one.
I'm not sure are next 48 will get as many views as this one.