I might want to add a warning that this film is not for the deeply religious, and it starts out with a kind of offensive and distasteful plot element, but fortunately, that is short lived.
I probably had a more favorable response to this film than some might, because I'd been considering working on something like this films main topic for a while.
For those that don't know, Red State is a fictional film depicting the famous Woodsbourough baptist church, famed for views so extreme that even ultra conservative nuts have been backing away and disassociating. The real life church suffers from heavy inbreeding, with every member related by blood and intermarrying. Undoubtedly this plays some role in their insane behavior, which essentially consists of delivering hate mail from god to the world.
They are perhaps most famous so far for protesting at the funerals of homosexual servicemen killed in the gulf. They were literally screaming hate messages at the parents of dead kids as they tried to bury their son or daughter.