Red State: new Kevin Smith movie

Just watched Red State, the new Kevin Smith movie. This guy is really getting his chops down as a director and screenwriter. This film was intense, inexpensive, and effective. It felt like it lasted 30 minutes, but it was 90. I was literally so drawn into the story that I lost all sense of time. Really amazing work.

Alcove will love this movie.

Anybody else seen it?
Having recently watched DOGMA and CHASING AMY, I can say that although I loved the subject matter of DOGMA, the movie sucked ass by my standards today. CHASING AMY was better than I remember.

I have no real interest in Kevin Smith movies these days. RED STATE looks like a movie I have no interest in, and the only appeal would have been Kevin Smith, and that has eroded for me as a draw.
I am a bit tired of Kevin Smith. I'm not sure if he's a genius or amazingly lucky. While I hope the film is good, I can't say his name will prompt me to watch it.
He's a very over-rated director, in my opinion. Both Clerks films and Kay & Silent Bob Strike Bob were failures as far as comedies go. Dogma had an interesting premise and a lot of potential but was executed horribly. I feel that people in the indie community think that Kevin Smith is a director they're just supposed to like.
His previous movies haven't done much for me. But this one looks different. I'm intrigued, and will definitely watch it (soon, probably).
His previous movies haven't done much for me. But this one looks different. I'm intrigued, and will definitely watch it (soon, probably).

I hate to be down on one of the heroes of the independent cinema movement, but his early works lacked some polish. They had a niche personality to them that was entertaining in it's way, to some audiences.

This one is different than anything he's done before. Kevin Smith always made Kevin Smith movies. This one is just a regular, well directed movie. No trademark personality, just a fast moving story like you'd get from any other director. It's not a bad thing, I think he's really matured as a filmmaker.
Didn't he say he wasn't going to make any more movies? And then made like, 2 more? He's like the John Farnam of indie movie makers.

Having said that, I do like most of his movies, so I'll be interested to see what this one's like.
Didn't he say he wasn't going to make any more movies? And then made like, 2 more? He's like the John Farnam of indie movie makers.

Having said that, I do like most of his movies, so I'll be interested to see what this one's like.

No, he said he's not going to make any more after this one. Instead he's building a network ans platform for indie content creators, if I remember correctly.
I haven't seen it, but I do love Kevin Smith in a totally hetero way. Some of his later films have been kind of, meh, but when I saw the preview for red state I immediately thought "what the hell happened to kevin smith?" Such an out of character movie for him. So its good to hear that someone liked it. I'm going to have to hit up the red box. That is if red box has it. lol.
I might want to add a warning that this film is not for the deeply religious, and it starts out with a kind of offensive and distasteful plot element, but fortunately, that is short lived.

I probably had a more favorable response to this film than some might, because I'd been considering working on something like this films main topic for a while.

For those that don't know, Red State is a fictional film depicting the famous Woodsbourough baptist church, famed for views so extreme that even ultra conservative nuts have been backing away and disassociating. The real life church suffers from heavy inbreeding, with every member related by blood and intermarrying. Undoubtedly this plays some role in their insane behavior, which essentially consists of delivering hate mail from god to the world.

They are perhaps most famous so far for protesting at the funerals of homosexual servicemen killed in the gulf. They were literally screaming hate messages at the parents of dead kids as they tried to bury their son or daughter.
He's a very over-rated director, in my opinion. Both Clerks films and Kay & Silent Bob Strike Bob were failures as far as comedies go. Dogma had an interesting premise and a lot of potential but was executed horribly. I feel that people in the indie community think that Kevin Smith is a director they're just supposed to like.

I don't see the point in calling something overrated. It just sounds like a depersonalized way to say you don't like something.

Personally, I thought most of his movies were average. Clerks, and Chasing Amy were above average, and he had a few bad movies.
For those that don't know, Red State is a fictional film depicting the famous Woodsbourough baptist church

Westboro* for those who want to look it up. (Sorry to be that guy)

And I agree, the plot is intriguing. If you like movies of that nature you should definitely see Life of Brian and The Invention of Lying. Both films do a great job of cinematically parodying religion.
I was about to watch Red State last night but my friends werent in the mood for a movie. I plan to watch it reall soon. Personaly i think keven smith is a comical genious and when i herd of him doing a thriller i was skeptical. but glad to hear its good!
I like Kevin Smith and his movies. I look forward to watching Red State but since it is not a usual Kevin Smith film I am not sure about it. I can't wait to see it though. I liked Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob and all his other comedy movies. I think some of Kevin's latest movies were great too. Some of the later films that I like are Clerks 2, Cop Out, Zach and Miri.
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