What Alcove said.
The word "art" means nothing by itself. Works of art can be anything. There is a lot of shit out there, it's true. What's amazing to me is the amount of things I used to consider shit that I now love, like John Cage. Or Henry Miller. Or Peter Brotzmann. Or Wilco.
My advice to anyone, when considering any work of art, is to ask yourself one thing: "does this elicit a response in me?" Doesn't matter if it is good response or a bad one. If it elicits a response, find out more about it! You might learn something. You might learn something about yourself. You might find the only reason you previously dismissed an entire section of the art world is because of prejudices you were holding on to but didn't even know about. Or you might find out that you are truly looking at a piece of shit.
It's a big world out there. Lots of valid paths of expression.
The word "art" means nothing by itself. Works of art can be anything. There is a lot of shit out there, it's true. What's amazing to me is the amount of things I used to consider shit that I now love, like John Cage. Or Henry Miller. Or Peter Brotzmann. Or Wilco.
My advice to anyone, when considering any work of art, is to ask yourself one thing: "does this elicit a response in me?" Doesn't matter if it is good response or a bad one. If it elicits a response, find out more about it! You might learn something. You might learn something about yourself. You might find the only reason you previously dismissed an entire section of the art world is because of prejudices you were holding on to but didn't even know about. Or you might find out that you are truly looking at a piece of shit.
It's a big world out there. Lots of valid paths of expression.