Yeah, there are some lucky people who can do that
They may not 'polled' but got their 'input' from good sources to make a movie the public wants. If they just made one without any consideration, then I'd say that was one helluva lucky move.
An unusual distinction. A “poll” and “input” and “consideration“
all lumped in together.
Okay, if you put polling and input together to mean exactly the
same thing, I see your point. I’m sorry I did not make mine clear.
I do not believe any filmmaker creats in a vacume - we always get
input from many sources. I do not believe movies are made without
any consideration at all. But I do believe that an excellent movie
that the public likes can be made without taking a single poll.
And that’s my point.
Asking a lot of people what their opinions about something is, in
my opinion, not a good way to make movies. Even popular movies
that the public pays to see.
A certian amount of luck is always part of the process. Nobody
KNOWS what audiences will pay to see - the audiences does not KNOW
what they want to see. This is terrifying to numbers people and
money people and anyone with a statistical or analitical mind. It
is downright horrifying to think that a movie just might succeed
or fail on something untangable. There MUST be an algorythm in
there somewhere.
However, for the creative mind, it’s all we have. All the opinions
of others, all the polls, the “do you prefer this or this” are
meaningless. Once again, look at the results of the poll here. It
seems people want a science fiction suspence film with ghosts and
a lot of blood.
I know Anim8 is not using this poll to write a script or produce a
movie. How could he? He knows no one wants to see a science
fiction thriller with ghosts and a lot of blood. So he is going to
make the movie he wants to make. If it fails you will know
this proves polling the public is the better way. If it succeeds you
will wonder why - the polls didn’t reflect success.
And according to this specific poll a lot of people do not want to see a
horror film with a CGI monster and too much blood or action.
Reminds me of “Cloverfield” $170,700,000 worldwide.