Producer and Crew Needed for low budget Short Film

Hey guys!
Ive tried everything to no avail, so I'm trying this out.

I'm looking for a Producer and Crew for a low budget single reel short film/Director's reel.
Experience is preferred, but NOT mandatory. Please let me know if interested(in script or discuss commission/ salary rates) or if Anyone has any advice.

Location to be in Los Angeles area(or neighboring locations if more convenient).
All applicants welcome!

My email address is:, or just reply in this thread.

Have you set a shoot date?
I get the impression you haven't written a script yet. Is that correct?
People have different needs when they ask for a producer. Are you
looking for someone to do the duties of a producer or are you looking
for someone to put up (or find) the money for your project?
RE: directorik

Hey directorik,
Alright, firstly, yes I have a finished script. It would be a single reel(10 min) short.
No I don't have a set shoot date as I don't have a budget set yet, and yes I am looking for a producer to put up( or most likely find) financing for the project.
I'm already talking to a couple producers who are reading the script, but haven't heard back from them. Also, I already have an interested sound designer/editor/mixer, and
a production artist/designer..
Keep me in mind for something other than producer - I'm not
ready to pay for your short or find the money but I'm always willing
to help out.

What crew do you need?
RE: directorik

Okay, will do.
Well, so far as I said, all I have is a sound editor/mixer/designer, and a conceptual/production artist, and am shopping the script around to producers. So far though, I have no cameras, rigs, cameramen, booms, PAs, DP,etc....
What kind of work where you interested in? Know any producers?
Okay, will do.
Well, so far as I said, all I have is a sound editor/mixer/designer, and a conceptual/production artist, and am shopping the script around to producers. So far though, I have no cameras, rigs, cameramen, booms, PAs, DP,etc....
What kind of work where you interested in? Know any producers?

I know several producers. I am a producer. But I don't know any
producers who will pay for your short film or who will look for
others to pay for it.

Typically a director who wants to make a short for their reel pays
for it themselves. But if you can find someone else to pay for it
that's a great option.

I might be interested in shooting it. I've worked with ZenSteve so
I know that between us we could put together a crew. When you
know the shooting dates is when I can really help. I don't feel
comfortable agreeing to anything or to recruiting crew so long before
you know when you will shoot. In my experience it could be a few months
or even a year to raise the money.

Do you have any thoughts on how much you will need? A ballpark range?
I understand.
Budget wise, I honestly have no idea..I need to rent equipment, find out if I wanna do it in a studio(also rented), somewhere outdoors and get a permit, probably gonna have to buy Maya for the FX(that alone usually is close to $900), then theres the actors(3 in total). I guess I'm gonna have to start my own financing of it, while looking for producers(or investors) to pitch in. Does the crew usually get paid for a single reel short?( I should stress that I have never made, or been involved in, a movie(that wasnt just a cam and a couple of friends), so I'm still learning how to get things started).
Does the crew usually get paid for a single reel short?
Not always. Often you can find people willing to help if it's
a project they believe in. Or even more importantly a person
they believe in.

I doubt very much that you will find someone willing to pay
for your short film. This isn't an investment in the monetary
sense of the word. Short films do not make money so no one
will "invest". However, friends and family might invest in you
because they believe in you.

Very often a director who has never made, or been involved in,
a movie that wasnt just a cam and a couple of friends should
start small. Not attempt a project that needs a full crew, rented
equipment, a sound stage and FX. It's pretty good advice to
start with something really simple that can be shot in a day
with easy to access equipment.

You're in Los Angles, there are dozens of movies being made all
the time here. Volunteer to work as a PA of a few. Great way to
meet people and get some experience on a set.

Anyway, enough of the soap box. You didn't ask for my opinion.
I wish you luck finding a producer. And my offer still stands.
Okay, I got a producer interested in the short. She want's to know what the budget(roughly) would be.
So, by 'shooting it', did you mean you wanted to be the cameraman or dp/cinematographer? How much do you charge? Your crew?(I plan on this being a single cam shoot, also theres no dialogue in the film).
Hey guys!
Ive tried everything to no avail, so I'm trying this out.

I'm looking for a Producer and Crew for a low budget single reel short film/Director's reel.
Experience is preferred, but NOT mandatory. Please let me know if interested(in script or discuss commission/ salary rates) or if Anyone has any advice.

Location to be in Los Angeles area(or neighboring locations if more convenient).
All applicants welcome!

My email address is:, or just reply in this thread.


I'm interested and could be available to help. Do you know what day/s you're planning on shooting?
What genre is your film?

I might be interested in getting involved, if it's action/drama/thriller. (Obviously, something that involves SFX/VFX, stunts, fighting, weapons, etc.)
Hey Dession,
What would specifically you be interested in doing?
I would love to be a PA, not much experience here but I'm willing and able to learn!

My business partner has a Canon XH-A1, he may be able to be your DP depending on the dates. I'm not sure if he would want some compensation or not. If you're interested I could ask him. do you have any more information on the short film itself?

By "producer" do you mean you're looking for someone to do the job of producer or are you looking for someone to put up (or find) the money to make the movie?
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