Ohio Filmmakers and Political Ads

The short of it is basically this, someone used clips of a Columbus Filmmaker's movies without permission for a political ad. See here: http://www.vimeo.com/15634804

They are claiming "Fair Use" and that they never had to ask permission.

I don't care which side of the political fence they are on, theft of intellectual property is THEFT.

So in my anger, I used "Fair Use" and made a parody video here:

I hate all politicians. I won't pick sides when my choices between idiots and imbeciles. Dragging filmmakers into this was a mistake.

I wrote a blog about the whole mess...
Oh so you made that promo with that actor guy for something different and they somehow got the footage and used it in a political ad?

Good job on fighting back. Got any names of who stole the footage?
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Oh so you made that promo with that actor guy for something different and they somehow got the footage and used it in a political ad?

Good job on fighting back. Got any names of who stole the footage?

I've never even met that actor. I've seen his work and they stole footage from 2 short films on YouTube. As many on this site already know, I'm a real stickler about Intellectual Property Rights. Having our current GOVERNOR and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY using footage without permission especially when these fat cats have millions of dollars to spend on TV ads, but won't even give a nickel to a local low budget filmmaker to use his clips?

I don't care which party it was, both sides are spending money and it's really scummy to

a. waste the money on attack ads at each other instead of offering the people any kind of real plan or reason to vote for either of them

b. not even attempt to contact the filmmaker to offer any kind of money to use their clips when they are wasting MILLIONS of dollars.
I've never even met that actor. I've seen his work and they stole footage from 2 short films on YouTube. As many on this site already know, I'm a real stickler about Intellectual Property Rights. Having our current GOVERNOR and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY using footage without permission especially when these fat cats have millions of dollars to spend on TV ads, but won't even give a nickel to a local low budget filmmaker to use his clips?

I dont want to use profanity here on IT. So ill just say, that's a no-no.
I dont want to use profanity here on IT. So ill just say, that's a no-no.

Why fucking not?

This situation is really lame. Just more proof that folks in power are more concerned with themselves or their 'equals' than the 'little people.'

Reminds me of a recent cracked article about human behavior and people in power. It's very interesting.

Unfortunately, those filmmakers are not likely to see justice. Even with lots of money to get great lawyers, Jackson Browne wasn't even able to stop McCain from using 'Running on Empty.' (iirc, that was the song with the controversy, although I think there were others).
I've never even met that actor. I've seen his work and they stole footage from 2 short films on YouTube. As many on this site already know, I'm a real stickler about Intellectual Property Rights. Having our current GOVERNOR and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY using footage without permission especially when these fat cats have millions of dollars to spend on TV ads, but won't even give a nickel to a local low budget filmmaker to use his clips?

I don't care which party it was, both sides are spending money and it's really scummy to

a. waste the money on attack ads at each other instead of offering the people any kind of real plan or reason to vote for either of them

b. not even attempt to contact the filmmaker to offer any kind of money to use their clips when they are wasting MILLIONS of dollars.

I totally agree.
Hmmm... I completely get what you're saying, and it's never good to use people's footage without permission and/or compensation...

That said, I've done quite a bit of work in politicians offices and the candidates/parties themselves have only a certain amount of control over what comes out of their office. All the time you get pamphlets and leaflets, or bits of viral media, that are released from their office but which they deny having known when the shit hits the fan. And, on the whole, that's probably right, as it's usually people like me (eek) who send off thing without passing them through the main office....Sure they have the power of veto, but it tends to be over zealous underlings who kick off the personal attacks...

That's not to take away from your point about intellectual property theft, it's just to say that I don't think it's indicative of a flawed political system at large...
@Nick: England sounds like a nice place. :)

Oh, you're making me blush :blush:

That said, my point is that (and i'm not totally oblivious to your side of the pond) I would strongly doubt that the Governor of Ohio ever saw this video before it was published. That's all I'm saying. Neither good nor bad. Just a statement of opinion based, rumour filled, guesswork deduced fact.
Oh, you're making me blush :blush:

That said, my point is that (and i'm not totally oblivious to your side of the pond) I would strongly doubt that the Governor of Ohio ever saw this video before it was published. That's all I'm saying. Neither good nor bad. Just a statement of opinion based, rumour filled, guesswork deduced fact.

No, it's a fair and probably true statement. But maybe it is, in a small way at least, indicative of a flawed political system at large...
No, it's a fair and probably true statement. But maybe it is, in a small way at least, indicative of a flawed political system at large...

Not that I want to drag this off topic and into a political debate but running an election campaign is an unbelievably time consuming process, especially for the candidate. There's a myth, and this is true of all countries, that there are people doing the drudge work and that the candidate just has to be a smiley face and soundbite. But the reality is that for at least a couple of months in the run up to the election that person's life is completely consumed by the task, almost 24/7. I think it is unrealistic to want the person whose name is being attached to have the power of veto over everything that comes from their office.

Perhaps it's a better indication of the flawed nature of the human condition in that it is easier to attack others than to promote yourself.
Hmmm... I completely get what you're saying, and it's never good to use people's footage without permission and/or compensation...

That said, I've done quite a bit of work in politicians offices and the candidates/parties themselves have only a certain amount of control over what comes out of their office. All the time you get pamphlets and leaflets, or bits of viral media, that are released from their office but which they deny having known when the shit hits the fan. And, on the whole, that's probably right, as it's usually people like me (eek) who send off thing without passing them through the main office....Sure they have the power of veto, but it tends to be over zealous underlings who kick off the personal attacks...

That's not to take away from your point about intellectual property theft, it's just to say that I don't think it's indicative of a flawed political system at large...

Actually, your entire description of what happens is part of why the political system is flawed....

No, it's a fair and probably true statement. But maybe it is, in a small way at least, indicative of a flawed political system at large...

Yet again, the young lady usurps my response! I am thwarted!
You sound like you need to join the Libertarian party my friend. :)

A bunch of weirdo's who think that if we remove the government that everyone will play nice... YEAH RIGHT.



I'm mocking politics, not participating. Please, no one take offense.