Oh the humanity!

George Lucas to release Star Wars in 3D
via BBC
A statement on the Star Wars website said: "The cutting edge conversion will take that immersion to the next thrilling level."

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace is expected to be released in 2012, with the other films to follow.

Say it aint so! While I'd love to watch these movies on the big screen again, I think 3D is going to suck. The 2D to 3D conversion simply looks like crap :no:

It's interesting though that he's starting with Episode I, I'm not used to thinking of the films in the proper order.
Jimmy C. is of the opinion that 2D to 3D can be done right (though, he acknowledges that so far, it hasn't). Anyway, if he says it's possible, I'll see "Star Wars" in 3D.

By the way, it that news wasn't enough to make you guys throw your hands up in despair, have you heard that "Titanic" is being released next year, in 3D?

It's interesting though that he's starting with Episode I, I'm not used to thinking of the films in the proper order.
So much of the bad films where digital. With the backgrounds
and characters and ships as digital information stored on a
computer that makes it easier to convert. By the time they
get to the good films they may have better technology. I saw
the "Star Wars" 3D test in 2003. It looked pretty good. I'd go
see it even thought I don't like 3D. But then I'm almost
always glad to see "Star Wars" in a theater. I can watch that
movie over and over, even when that Lucas jerk changes it
over and over.
If he thinks 2D to 3D can be done right, then he's gonna have to prove it with Titanic.


And I still think it will probably look cardboard cut-out style on the elements not originated in 3d. Prove me wrong Mr. C. Please. If only to give the people who insist on 2d to 3d post conversion something decent to work with.

I would ask "why Titanic," but I know the answers. :D

And I still think it will probably look cardboard cut-out style on the elements not originated in 3d. Prove me wrong Mr. C. Please. If only to give the people who insist on 2d to 3d post conversion something decent to work with.

I would ask "why Titanic," but I know the answers. :D

Well, the answer is self-evident.


I'm skeptical, but encouraged to hear that directorik saw an early version and says it looked pretty good.

I have to sit through another round of Jar Jar Binks?

Don't get me wrong - I'm one of the biggest Star Wars fans out there, but to start it off with that little kid's acting and Jar Jar Binks... Bad move IMO.

I thought he was going to release episodes 4 5 6, not the newer ones.
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I have to sit through another round of Jar Jar Binks?

That's lame.

I thought he was going to release episodes 4 5 6, not the newer ones.

Oh he'll do that too. First he'll spend the next ten years rereleasing everything in 3d. then a 3 year break. then rerelease them all over again.