NYC Screenplay writer - new to forum

Hey all -

Just got told about this forum - thanks for having it available! Very much looking forward to digging in and getting to know my way around here.

A few quick details about me: NYC based, I'm a screenwriter with 10 feature lengths under my belt. No IMDB credits at this time, although I have completed one spec for a mainstream producer (results TBD), and have placed in Page and Austin. I write in a variety of genres - low and high budget, focusing on intelligent and unique plots and characters (or at least try to...) :P

I'm coming to the realization that the next logical and necessary step in the process of getting my work seen is to start getting involved in film-making itself - at least some aspects - which is why this site looks so enticing. I do have a background in some Photoshop, Maya and Softimage... And absolutely *none* in cameras, lighting, etc. Oh - and I did craft service work for the original Men in Black. Though that's not exactly relevant to anything... :cool:

So anyways, very much looking forward to meeting everyone here. And if there's anyone here who's NYC based - please shoot me an email. Physical meetups would be awesome, too!


Welcome broski!

Hey guys

Hey guys (Joshy, MLese and Maz) -

Thanks for sounding in. :) Would love to see all your work (and see what I have to look forward to.)

Maz - I do have my scripts online (shorts available for download, features upon request.) I'd post it here, but I understand that I shouldn't be using the Intro part of the forum for self-promotion. But I did post the two website links in the Film Market Screenplay section. Alternatively, feel free to pm me... :P

Cheers and best...

BTW - Any links of everyone's work I should check out?

Well... this place is just going to the dogs.
Seems they'll let just anyone in here with a cute 12 point Courier font on her screenplay to... Oh, wait.
I invited you.
Never mind.

Here's a flower for you.

If you goto that navigation bar just above the banner ad you can click on the "Forum" button and see all the fun stuff there is once you fall down this rabbit hole.

And I think one of the first sub-forums you're interested in will be "Tools of the Trade".
Then "Cameras & Lenses"
Hellloooo to Chimp and ZenSteve (great Doubtfire clip, BTW)... :)

Mara -

Took a peek: Surviving Family looks terrific!! Classy, polished - a film with actual substance (ie: not a usual Hollywood blockbuster.) Is it going to be be hitting Netflix and Amazon, too? I think I'm going to have to seek this one out. :)

And that's actually saying a lot. I'm not huge on straight dramas. The closest I have is one dramedy - although even my most genre specific horror and SF is very character focused.

I'd love to pry, and find out how long it took to make Surviving.... General budget, time spent from pre-prod to distribution, size of crew, etc. Of course, only if you want to share. :)

Hmmm... think I'm gonna like it here...

--Pitch (Janet)
Thanks for the kind words, pitchblack70!
I'm hopeful & optimistic that Surviving Family will eventually be out on Amazon, netflix, and other platforms. I'll keep everyone posted when it's out for public consumption (should be within a month).

A bit more info:

It's about 85% drama, 15% comedy; my new project will be (hopefully) about 70/30 drama/comedy.

Budget - I'm only willing to say that it was under $1 million :)

I started to write it in late 2008, and worked on it right up to when we started shooting.
My director and I had worked on several short movies together (she dir'd 3 and dp'd a 4th).
She read an early draft & said that if I ever produce SF, she'd love to direct it. That was a major incentive for me in terms of moving forward.

We shot in 20 days - July 11 to Aug 5 2011. Postproduction finished Feb 2012.
First fest screening Aug 2012 (Woods Hole Film Festival in Cape Cod, MA - terrific fest btw).
We did 19 festivals w/numerous awards; last one was a few months ago, and I declared the fest run to be done at that point.

Got to offers to distribute (neither with a theatrical release but I expected that), and signed an agreement in late July.

Crew was large - about 50 people - if you look at the IMDB page, that list is pretty accurate, although not everyone was on set every day (probably 5 to 10 PA's per day, depending on the shots).

We got a lot of people through personal connections (director & I know each other from the New School); hired a casting director for the actors; and was great for crew beyond people we knew.

Hope that helps a bit!
Surviving Family

Hi Mara -

Thanks... this definitely helps. Great information. And please do post when SF is available on Amazon or Netflix. I'd very much like to check it out. (And support a fellow screenwriter... :) )

One final question. Whatever the budget, where would you recommend focusing for funding? Is it more a friends and family sort of thing, business contacts, Kickstarter, or a combination of all those and more?

Best and Cheers,

Pitch (Janet)
Hi Janet - I'll definitely let you know when it's available.

Re funding - for better or worse I've been working for a long time and don't have kids, so I've chosen to invest my own money in my movies. Obviously I'm hoping to earn it back, so I can put it into ... More movies. :)