News Plus a Question.

Well my Digital Photography class starts next Tuesday. I decided to take the class in order gain more knowledge about the technical aspects of photography. There wasn't a cinematography class near so I took this instead. But I guess most of the principles and tech information will cross over, more or less. So that's the exciting news.

The question is: My camera is an old Canon 30D with the 18-55mm kit lense. At the end of the class I plan to upgrade cameras. But I would like to buy another lense now. SO to you photographers out there: What lense would you recommend every photographer have in his/her bag. No restrictions, save price, don't recommend a $10k lense.:)
I'm a film maker. I made my first short when i was about 14. It was terrible. I only started doing photography years later because i couldnt make a living at film making. And i do feel passionate about photography since it can be essentially capturing one frame out of 24. Strict, old school, mise en scene.

As for the lenses, once again the answer is that one annoying word: depends. You can have a lot of different lenses in your collection but as to what to have in your bag, it'll depend on what your assignment or goal for that day is.

But i would keep a good zoom with me at all times anyway. Like a Canon 24-70 L. Then i would add whatever i needed for the assignment. Of course if you're in a studio, you can have all your lenses with you. But if you're out and about shooting an event or climbing a mountain for a nice landscape shot, you dont want your bag to be cumbersome so you need to choose about 3 or 4 lenses and a zoom that will cover you.

Tell me a little more about your plans and i can start listing specific lenses.
Some solid primes. The mid series 28mm 1.8, 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8 are ok, but the L series 24mm 1.4, 50mm 1.2 and 85mm 1.2 are worth the extra $1000. They're not only faster, but the glass is better all around. If you're getting just one, the 24 or 50. Two, the 24 and 85.

In addition to a lens, I think every camera kit needs a variable ND filter, especially when it will eventually be used for video. If you go ahead and get a 77mm and the step up rings ($2 each) the filter will work on any lens you get in the future.