New to the group

I just wanted to give a quick introduction - I'm in the final editing stages of our first real project - - and am both excited and sick to death of it, if that makes sense. We have a local premiere in a few weeks and will also be submitting to festivals.

Now that it's almost done, I'm trying to pull my head out of my monitor, share what I've learned, hear what other's are doing and plug into a community that I now feel part of. It's an exhilirating and exhausting process and I'm proud just to get it done. Making a movie is a little like sex - until you've done it, you just can't know what it's like. And it's very lonely when you're doing it alone. And you only want people to watch if you're doing it well.

Okay, I'll stop.
rrk1962 said:
Making a movie is a little like sex... you only want people to watch if you're doing it well.
An exhibitionist...
:hmm: :rofl:
Well, that's not the kind of film I'm making...unless someone offered a lot of money and, of course, a body double.
rrk1962 said:
Making a movie is a little like sex - until you've done it, you just can't know what it's like. And it's very lonely when you're doing it alone. And you only want people to watch if you're doing it well.

And you need a camera or it's not really worth doing.

And the more money you have, the better.
John Jordan said:
nice to meet you Zen...

You joined a kick a** group of guys man enjoy ;)
Zen's been here quite awhile. :)
Zen's been here quite awhile. :)

True, but I almost never post. Low profile, you know.
Hello Norfolk and welcome to indietalk.

You say that you are having a local premiere in a few weeks but there is no info on your site. When, where, open to the public??? Since I am just up the road a bit I'ld love to come out and give my support, if my schedule allows.
Mikey D said:
Hello Norfolk and welcome to indietalk.

You say that you are having a local premiere in a few weeks but there is no info on your site. When, where, open to the public??? Since I am just up the road a bit I'ld love to come out and give my support, if my schedule allows.

We just got the confirmed time, it's Sunday, July 10th at 5:15 p.m. We had the date but, as a small, very cool art house movie theater, they are putting their schedule together last minute. I have to update the webpage but I'm still finalizing the cut, no sleep, frenzied rendering, yada yada yada. I'm also the webmaster, doing all the artwork and half the promotion, it's a helluva learning curve.

Where are ya from, Mikey D?
Where you from...hmmmm....

Went to high school here in Williamsburg, then moved down to Atlanta to go to school. That didn't work out so well but I loved Atlanta so I stayed for several years. I returned to VA two years ago for many reasons but not the least of which was I was tired of the 8 hour commute for the holidays. Since I was in a transition period anyway I figured I could spend some time near the family.

It is only recently that I have realized that film without film school is a viable option and have spent the past year reading, writing (poorly), hanging out here and exposing myself to as much film as I possibly can. I have spent some time up in Richmond and was quite suprised to find that there is a pretty lively film community up that way. I have been told that Norfolk also has a pretty vibriant art community but really haven't had much oppurtinty to check it out. Are you originally from the area? If not what brought you this way.

July 10!?!? That's just over a week away. What are you doing playing around on the web, don't you have something you ought to be doing. At the very least go sit in the corner and stress. ;) Sunday should be doable, whats the name of the theater, I can find my way from there.
It's the Naro in the heart of Ghent ( ) I've heard good things about Richmond as well, we plan on trying to hook up with some folks up there, I know there are some monthly indie showings. Our lead actor was in "Wicked Spring" that got lots of pub around Richmond and he was also the co-star of "Moving" kind of a legendary indie around here that did pretty well, one of the guys went to the Sundance writer's workshop. He's Terry Jernigan, in case you know the name. Stop by and say hey, I'll give you a ticket if you come all that way!

And most of my posts are at work when I should be doing whatever it is that they pay me for. Tonight my excuse is....a romantic interlude before a weekend of coffee and no sleep.