New Member

Greetings everyone. Looking forward to lots of interesting film discussion. Trying to gather information on making documentaries, etc. Long time film fan and video guy. Worked for Fortune 500 company in the communications department where I cut my chops. Started my own video business 5 years ago. Got certified for legal video in 2007. Hope to meet lots of friends!!
Zen...good question. I was about to ask it myself! Does that mean that we've been making illegal video all this time? I've been wondering about those two guys in black suits in the black Crown Vic parked outside of my think that has something to do with it??

Actually I'm thinking maybe it's video depositions for court?


PS Oh yeah...Welcome to the site!!!
Didn't you guys hear about the new Video Czar?

Just kidding. He's talking about court reporting.
I did not Indie, but give me an e-mail address and I'll send him/her a link to C*R*A*P!


P.S. Now THAT'S where we could use a Czar! But would it be the Czar of C*R*A*P or the C*R*A*P Czar?