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New Indie Streaming Movie Site

Your Opinion - New Indie Film Streaming Site

Hey, my name's Josh Fasulo and I'm a screenwriter/filmmaker currently pursuing my MBA at UC Davis. A group of us are doing marketing research on an idea I have for a possible new indie film streaming movie service.

This idea came to me when I realized the amount of blood, sweat, and tears my friends, colleagues, and I have shed to get our work out there. I knew there had to be a better way for more indie filmmakers to get distribution. And I think this may be it! But I won't know for sure until I get feedback from indie film fans and filmmakers.

This is real research (we're not selling anything). And I may pursue this based on your valuable opinions!

Please help us out and take the survey.

Many, many thanks!
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Survey taken.

When this survey is completed would your group be interested in sharing the survey's results with us on this thread?

Thank you.

Completed it. Found #7 to be difficult to answer. (I thinkit was #7 - Which one of these would influence you most etc)

Good luck with it! Ain't easy, establishing a new marketplace.
I took it, too.

Like Ray, I hope you return to share the results with those of us who helped you.
Same here! The survey ended after one question. I was curious what the other questions were.

Same for me unfortunately. Definitely could be more to discover about those who choose 'No' to the first question? I stream a lot of content to my mobile device e.g. YouTube or Vimeo via iPhone but I wouldn't consider it full film content etc