Ok, my point is that when you start watching a lot of first time films and college films, the majority of them have to do with a character struggling through life, searching out meaning, or it finds the character, and either the character lives happily ever after or dies.
I've seen good examples of this, one of the better ones, in my opinion, being one of the less violent and angst ridden ones, was Braff's Garden State. Technically, another good version of this would be Dicken's a Christmas Carol.
I can't tell you how to spice it up, I can just tell you to avoid a linear copy of what I said before... character struggles, finds enlightenment or chases it but doesnt find it, lives happily ever after or dies. 9 times out of 10 its a male character and he's just finishing high school or starting college, is trapped as a suburban hoodlem forced to comply with societies order, addicted to something or has some other problem, then meets a girl/has a moment of enlightenment and now everythings going to be different. I'm saying the formula is OK, and can be warped, just dont fall too much into the trap of making just another movie like I mentioned.
I like the idea of 5 simultaneous stories going on as long as you handle it right, but that might be a big task for a first timer.