What. The. Hell. I love Ridley Scott. He's directed some of my favorite movies (I've been seriously obsessed with Legend since I was
. Blade Runner went far afield from the source material, and was a better film for it (all respect to Phillip K. Dick, one of my favorite sci-fi authors ever). There was a pretty good computer game set in the universe that followed a different story, not counting all of the obvious "inspired by" titles. Is there room in the universe for more stories/film? Sure, who doesn't like dystopian sci-fi noir? But this, right on the tail of the Alien prequel seems a little...well, cash-in-y (is that a word? It is now). Doubly so given all the cyberpunk that HASN'T been made into films (where's our Snow Crash film?) Will it be a good story set in the universe, or will it be a borderline fan fic, with so many winks and nods to the source material and all the stuff people are "expecting" to see?
The concept MUST have been good or he wouldn't have signed, right? Right?
What. The. Hell. I love Ridley Scott. He's directed some of my favorite movies (I've been seriously obsessed with Legend since I was

The concept MUST have been good or he wouldn't have signed, right? Right?