"Star Wars", episodes 1-3. God, I would've done those SO differently.
Movie opens with a brutal slave-escape, reminiscent of the opening to "Amistad". Annakin, a strong boy, @ 16 years-old, is working a tough day of manual labor, underneath the hot sun of Tattooine. Watto (who is human, in this version) is an overbearing, abusive slave-master, and on this day, he is being particularly physically abusive. Annakin just ain't havin' it.
Pushed to the brink by his captors, Annakin kills Watto, and any other sucker foolish enough to get in his way. With ferocity, Annakin escapes his captors, and heads towards home. Intent on scooping up mom, and freeing her as well, Annakin finds that the authorities have gotten there, before him. With a massive force of armed gaurds between he and mom, Annakin has absolutely no chance of freeing her, and wisely, but painfully and reluctantly, turns away to escape into the desert.
On some random mission, a young Obi Wan finds himself on Tattoine (Qui-Gon doesn't exist, Obi-Wan is already a master Jedi, and the convoluted political drama is virtually ignored). By chance encounter, Obi-Wan plays peace-keeper, and quells some random confrontation that Annakin was about to get into with some Hutts, or something. Whatever. They meet, and Obi-Wan immediately recognizes the force is strong in him (and there is no talk of any stupid fucking midichlorians).
Against Yoda's better judgement, Obi-Wan is allowed to train Annakin. But Yoda senses anger in him. It's rather obvious, actually; everyone sees it. Of course he's angry; he was raised as a fucking slave!
Needless to say, his training goes well, yadda yadda, and he shows great signs of controlling his anger. Way ahead of the rest of his class, Annakin becomes a master Jedi, and teams up with Obi-Wan to kick some clone-war ass!
But he still has momma on his mind. Also, he bangs Queen Amidala.
A war hero, after defeating the clone armies, Jedi Skywalker approaches the Jedi council, to tell them of his desires to free the slaves on Tattooine. The Jedi council is sympathetic, but they regretfully cannot intervene in Tattoine's politics. Tattooine is not part of the Republic/Empire, after all, and the Jedi aren't the Universe Police. Tattooine is ruled by the Hutts, and the Jedi are not about to get into a war with them.
But Annakin knows that what he is arguing for is morally correct. Because it is! The Jedi should be playing Universe Police, at least in this instance, and there is absolutely no moral justification for them to let politics get in the way of doing what it right! Plus, obviously, he wants to save momma.
So Annakin acts on his concious, does the right thing. Sets out to free the slaves of Tattoine, without the help of the Jedi. He knows he will lose his Jedi status, but he knows he's doing the right thing (and from the audience's perspective, he is). Amidala supports him, because she's a down-ass bitch.
That's a problem for the Jedi. They're all worried about inter-planet relations, and whatever, and they can't just have a rogue jedi kicking ass and taking names. They have no choice but to reel him in. Obi-Wan is ordered to (and wants to) lead a team of jedi on a mission to stop Annakin's plans from succeeding, and bring him back to Courescant for disciplinary action.
Annakin's revolt begins highly successfully. He's kicking ass all over Tattoine. Cruel slave-owners meet their just demise, and Annakin rallies a veritable army of freed slaves to take control of their planet.
By the time the jedi track down Annakin, he has freed his mom, but they are right in the midst of a major battle, between freed-slaves and the Hutts. The jedi want only to capture Annakin, and are of course not trying to harm him. Likewise, Annakin wants not to harm any jedi, but uses whatever (non-lethal) methods he has to, in order to avoid capture. Plus, he's right in the middle of the slave/Hutt battle, all while trying to keep momma safe, so he's doing some serious multitasking.
In the heat of the battle, Annakin's mother dies, partially because of an action that one of the jedi took. She dies right in front of Annakin, and the jedi appears to be complicit. Acting on pure emotion, Annakin erupts, killing said jedi.
Obviously, now the jedi/Annakin conflict is at a whole new level. With one of their own killed by Annakin, they're now taking lethal force against him, and he responds in the same. Needless to say, Annakin, coupled with his new-found Dark Side of the force, mops that handful of jedi up. In a flurry, he kills at least five or six, with ease, before the grand showdown with Obi-Wan.
And we know how it goes from there. Except, in my version, Obi-Wan is reduced to a slobbering bowl of tears, after nearly killing Annakin.
Movie ends with some sort of hopeful shot of Obi-Wan, on Tattooine, watching Luke from afar. Or, something like that.