Can you really say that? How much have you really listened to? Just the stuff that you hear on the radio, or have you borrowed albums from friends (or hell, these days just pulled up artists on Pandora or Youtube)?
My statement about the "rap & country" people isn't meant to say that they SHOULD like rap & country. What I'm really saying is that there are far more diverse genres that they don't like, but they don't know about it. Quick, what are your favorite three Chinese Operas? Any Gamelon jams you're digging these days? How about your favorite Atmospheric Black Metal album (I'm really digging Year of No Light's "Ausserwelt"). And that's not even getting into the endless sub-sub-genres of electronic music.
I do believe there is no such thing as a bad genre (bad songs/artists? absolutely). I also believe that for any given person, there is a song in almost any genre that they would like. Maybe even albums or artists. Whether they want to take the time to explore the genre is up to them, and I absolutely understand most people not wanting to bother. And the great thing about music is there's room enough in the world for ALL of it. Even crunkcore...I just can't seem to swing with that.
But, and this is the most important thing, there's a difference between quality and taste. You can recognize something is done with skill without actually liking it. Furthermore, you can recognize that something is pretty bad, and still love it. Saying "this thing sucks" does not provoke the same discourse as "I dislike this thing" or even better "I like this other thing better" One can lead to "why do you like it?" which is a better conversation than "you are stupid for liking something I don't" Just my perspective on it, from someone that obviously likes to talk/think/study/make music a LOT
Anyway, derailing. Inarius, I think some of Mike Shinoda's stuff is pretty awesome. Of all the bands that do the rap/metal thing, I think I like them the best (Korn eventually got better, but man I hated their first one when it came out).