It's not the fact that it's flawed that's the problem... it's the fact that it depends on the iPhone for no reason other than just to make the plot work. I'm not a big fan of stupid computing (and there's plenty of it in Hollywood movies), so this bothers me, but it wouldn't bother millions of other people, I'm sure
A reason? Come on! Look at today's kids! They're all in their iPhones. So if you ask a kid, where he wants to operate something from, guess what he's gonna say?... That's right! They gonna say, - "I want an App to iPhone to control it from there". Easy, comfortable, and within a hand's reach.
Is there a reason why the device itself can't have an unreliable power source?
Why should it? Do headphones have a power source itself? No.
Think of the headphones for a second. How do they work? You plug them into something, and they transfer you the sound. What are headphones when they're not plugged into any phone or iPad or etc..? Nothing! A piece of junk. So they depend on other device. And that other device depends on battery (or electricity)...
The same is this device. It is nothing when it's not operated by a program/App
I was also concerned over the role the iPhone plays in your movie. If a producer had your script in hand this very moment, you're looking at minimum of two full years before it would be released. You don't know what changes could happen in cell phone technology in that time.
Do it to where ten years from now it would still be a viable solution.
Why do you think it can't be 10 or 20 or 30 years from now? What do you think the world will look like after 10 years? You think the world's gonna have flying cars and spaceships able to fly with the speed of light?
I think a device that allows to alter ones voice so easily won't be invented in less than 10 years.
BTW, if the problem in today's iPhones, it can be iPhone 999s, or Galaxy 999... I don't know and that's not relevant
We'll, C'mon now, ...let's be fair to Inarius. The general perception of "Rappers" is that they are bad ass, street wise bad guys that'll steal your woman and pop a cap in your ass if you get in their way. Just because a couple out there break the mold doesn't change the general perception.
That's a stereotype. They do come from bad hoods, they talk like bad guys, but they don't have to do all the above. Most of real "bad ass" people usually respect other people, and don't take something that doesn't belong to them.
"could" have his character find a way to use his "childish voice" as an effective tool in creating good rap music as a way to resolve the entire movie.
That's what happens in my movie. At the end, the protagonist destroys the device in front of the crowd and raps in his childish voice.
Personally, though, rap music is a weak venue in my opinion. You have songs in just about every other venue that have stood the test of time. Rap tunes are good for maybe two years at the most and then they"re forgotten forever. I can only think of a few rap songs that have obtained any longevity ("Ice, Ice Baby", "Can't Touch This", "Baby's Got Back").
You're wrong here. People still love TuPac. Many people love Eminem's old songs.
As a plot device, I don’t think the guy having a childish voice, so lowering it to sound more hip-hop, works. Maybe as a comedic element, but not as a dramatic one.
There are no worldwide famous rappers with childish voice. Lil Wayne sounds like a a crack addicted chipmunk? Ok, but that's not childish, and that's what makes him unique.
Childish voice shows one as a... child! Do you realize how it sounds, when a child talks about serious mature things? It sounds like a 10 year old boy who drinks alcohol and smokes weed who tries to teach you how to live... and needs to be slapped by his Daddy. My point is, that voice MUST fit the words.
To clarify, I'm not saying Inarius' rapper finds a way to lower his voice and sound "bad ass" to resolve the conflict. What I am saying (based on your examples) is that Inarius' rapper can learn to ACCEPT his childish sounding voice ..and find a way to make cool rap music with his strange voice.
That's exactly what he learns at the end! But yeah, he learns it the hard way. That's what all movies about - learning things the hard way!
Have an Israeli child and a Palestinian child be childhood friends in the midst of all the conflict going on over there. Have them grow up and find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. Have them grow up to be arch enemies! Then find a way for them to look past all of the insanity, become friends again and bring about peace.
Show the fucking world how Inarius would solve this Middle East problem with your keyboard!
There are so many stories and movies about Israeli and Palestinian kids, about friendship, humanity and all that stuff. They are not in English, however, but on Arabic and Hebrew.
P..S. My bet is (like most of them) Eminem will die well before age 70.
Why do you think so? Look at him, he's 40+ and he looks like he's less than 30. Rich people usually live longer, because they don't kill themselves on hated jobs.