Need any chicken footage?

Hi all,
I was digging through some of my test \ learning shots last night and noticed I have some pretty good chicken footage (dont ask!) I seem to have a hidden talent filming roosters!

As my wife and I noted, every movie of any importance has chickens, how about yours?
ha.. hey.. I do , but Im a much better cam op now.

What EXACTLY do you need? Ill film it tomorrow.

I guess there aren't any particular shots I need. Anything that is framed nicely (which I'm sure you can pull off) would be awesome. I don't think I'd use more than 5 seconds either, it's just going to be part of a montage.

The only thing that would specifically be cool is if you have a black mutt who you could film playing with them. But that would just be gravy. :P

Thanks a bunch, wheat! Much appreciated! :D
The talent wouldn't cooperate. But in this little bit should be 5 seconds of something that will work for you.

Ill PM you a url where you can download the higher quality video. Its quicktime photo jpeg so should work for you..
Awesome! That's plenty, and wow, do those chickens look better with some nice glass.

You can pm me the link whenever, there's no rush if you don't have it up yet :)

Thanks again!
No I haven't got any footage yet, I just moved so I'll likely be on/off irregular for the rest of the week but I'll put some more effort into it next week (that said I do have a rubber chicken so I can get you footage of that pretty easily).

Edit: Nevermind i see that WheatGrinder is the hero of the day.
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