camera-gear My Canon M50 just got picked apart. Now what?

Ok I'll keep this brief.

I had a meeting today with a company in the sports industry that offer in house videography for their clients. We were talking of the possibility of me working with them next year at some of there events mainly as a cameraman for small broll / promo vids they make. The vids aren't anything spectacular but slick enough for a social media / website posting.

Now I was under the impression I would be using their gear but it became apparent that wasn't the case. When asked what I shoot on I did hold my hands up and declared it was 'only' a M50 (I have a gimbal, lenses etc too). For what I do it's up to the job, but for them the proper use of 4k (which my camera certainly isn't made for) and a fps better than 50fps @ 1080p (in the UK here) is necessary.

He threw out the Sony A6400 as an option for me and the meeting swiftly moved on.

SO - I bought my M50 as I was testing the water with this and I do love the little thing, but I appreciate if I am to satisfy their level (and the level of production I want to move forwards with) I am probably best looking to upgrade.

So I am after suggestions (rather than just taking his) as to where I can go with this?

Requirements are:

Better fps @ 1080p (mine does 100fps I should mention BUT only 720p)
Useable 4k filming with little crop and useful autofocus
Mic input, changeable lenses etc and obviously
Hopefully you have a contract I'd hate for you to buy equipment for this job and then they say never mind. But I digress, onto the suggestions.
No you raise a valid point. I guess I am not looking to rush out and upgrade my gear based on one potential contract but it did make me ponder whether I need to upgrade in order to move forwards, be taken more seriously and perhaps capture the slicker slo mo's I am really after
Problem is, those cameras (blackmagic/GH5) need adapters to work with your EF mount lenses. Juts keep that in mind.

If you buy at that price range, you are running into the high possibility that you will need mount adapters for your Canon Glass.

I have the Metabones Speedbooster for my GH4, and it works with GH5 also... But it adds to the overall price. You might need to add that into your calculations if you are reusing the lenses you have now.
Get the lumix G7. Hands down. I got it $600 and it does GREAT 4K 24-25fps and 1080p 60fps. It is a really great cam I’ve gotten it and even tho I’ve dropped it a few times got water on it and stuff it still works great! The video quality is just amazing. the 4K is not cheap it’s amazing if you know what your doing. I believe it can be found for $500 now. If not the G7 go for one of the GH’s, GH4, GH5 I think can do 120fps. I saw one G7 on marketplace for $230 waaaay underpriced.
Get the lumix G7. Hands down. I got it $600 and it does GREAT 4K 24-25fps and 1080p 60fps. It is a really great cam I’ve gotten it and even tho I’ve dropped it a few times got water on it and stuff it still works great! The video quality is just amazing. the 4K is not cheap it’s amazing if you know what your doing. I believe it can be found for $500 now. If not the G7 go for one of the GH’s, GH4, GH5 I think can do 120fps. I saw one G7 on marketplace for $230 waaaay underpriced.

I think he needs 4k at 60fps.
For sports video, 60fps would be at the absolute lower limit of what would be usable. When you're capturing action that's measured in 1/100ths of a second, 60fps will miss most of it! From my now somewhat dated dabbling in this area, 120fps was considered the minimum reasonable shutter speed for good slow-mo playback for moderately fast sports, and 240fps for standard fast sports. Bear in mind that dedicated sports slow motion cameras (for TV broadcast, so not entirely niche) can capture up to 2000fps .... and they're considered "a bit slow" for people who need slow motion for scientific/industrial purposes!

The OP says that this footage is intended to be used as b-roll for social media, and that the studio's current output "aren't anything specatcular". I would think that that's because they're missing the cool slow-mo shots that we've come to expect in a sports video (think beads of sweat flying off a forehead, cheeks wobbling when hit by a boxinging glove, flecks of mud spinning off a ball when kicked, showers of droplets exploding off a wet tennis ball ... ) If that's what they're looking for, you're wasting your time looking at equipment trudging along at 60fps!
Hi guys, really appreciate the replies and apols for the delay

I guess I should have been clearer. The 4k doesn't have to be anything spectacular in terms of frame rate 25fps is fine (UK here), it's just the crazy crop and lack of decent focus the M50 has that needs addressing

predominantly I'll be shooting 1080p and this is where I'll capture these slow's

I've been having a play with a few cameras at varying price ranges (I have some wriggle room to go up with the £££)

The Sony A6400 would be my budget choice but then I've been contemplating Second hand A7iii's

As I go to rent one out the fella behind the counter asked me if id seen or considered the Nikon Z6 - sadly he didn't have one to rent

Thoughts? Not too many reviews but we have them on sale here in the UK for £1700 with the 24 -70mm lens