Movies with Sex and Nudity.

Hi friends i wanted to know one thing as i have read that young generation of US loves movies with Voilence , sex and nudity.

i wanted to know is it true????if there is a movie with vloilence and sex and nudity (as per the demand of script not just for the sake of showing all this) people will love it more then any other genre??

is it the case in other countries too???like in France, Germany, UK, Hongkong, Canda and Italy and other countries???

does the young generation really loves it????

WHat are your comments???

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No, it's not true that young people like sex and violence... old people like it as well :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

There is a market for exploitation movies, always has been. Tits and guns sell DVD's
Well thanks Clive. ell is it true for other copuntries too??Like France, Germany, UK, Hongkong, Canda and Italy or the situation is just restricted to US??

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The second thing I look at when browsing movies at the video store is the rating (first is the title and box art, of course). Depending on my mood, if its PG or PG-13, half the time I'll put it back unless the story grabs me. If it's horror or violence or "kill every feakin' guy in the city that pissed me off" action, then it needs an R rating in my book (or unrated, and I like this trend :D).

Yes, sex, blood and boobies in the absence of story will still gather an audience. Just look at late-night Cinemax.

Okay, I'm a sick puppy. But I also love Pixar. I am really looking forward to Wall-E. I have balance. And I will watch all of the summer blockbusters regardless of rating because I almost always enjoy the ride. But if it doesn't have morphing automobiles, superhumans, superheros, aliens, compelling drama or stars, it had best have big knockers.
It's even better when the movie has it all; a good story, hot women (they don't have to be naked to be an attraction), and some feel-good violence (I'm not much for senseless violence but I was happy to see Biff take a beating in Back to the Future). I admit, I watched "Charlies Angels III, Full Throttle" just to see the ladies in action, but it was too lame to watch again. I loved Kelly LeBrock in "Weird Science". That was a performance to die for.
Hi friends i wanted to know one thing as i have read that young generation of US loves movies with Voilence , sex and nudity.
Human beings regardless of age or what part of the world they live
in have always loved violence, sex and nudity. Yes, even in
France, Germany, the UK, Hong Kong, Canada and Italy.

Cave paintings from hundreds of thousands of years ago show
violence, sex and nudity. The Greeks and Romans used violence,
sex and nudity in their plays 3,000 years ago. Shakespeare used
violence, sex and nudity in his plays.

While the governments of many countries have banned, censored and
even criminalized violence, sex and nudity in movies, theater and
books even people in those countries like violence, sex and
nudity in their movies, theater and books.

I’ll bet people like violence, sex and nudity in movies and books
in Pakistan, too.

i wanted to know is it true????if there is a movie with vloilence and sex and nudity (as per the demand of script not just for the sake of showing all this) people will love it more then any other genre??
Violence, sex and nudity isn't a genre. However, violence, sex and nudity
are used in all genres - comedy, drama, action, sci-fi.

A look at the top 20 grossing films world wide and you'll see violence is in
ALL of them - nudity in only one and sex handled chastely.

1 1997 Titanic
2 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
3 2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
4 2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
5 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
6 2007 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
7 2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
8 1999 Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace
9 1993 Jurassic Park
10 2004 Shrek 2
11 2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
12 2007 Spider-Man 3
13 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
14 2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
15 2003 Finding Nemo
16 2005 Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge of the Sith
17 2002 Spider-Man
18 1996 Independence Day
19 2007 Shrek the Third
20 1977 Star Wars Ep. IV: A New Hope
Yeah, I never would have watched Amelie or Citizen Kane if the girls in it hadn't had great hooters! :lol:

Note that I also included "compelling drama or stars" in my list, which covers both of these. ;)

EDIT: I also watch any and all movies that garner industry recognition. I didn't much care for No Country for Old Men (primarily for how it ended), but I own it. Some great performances, though. Now, There will be Blood I thoroughly enjoyed and will also own on Blu-ray. Juno is another recent film that I really liked. Great performances and story, IMO.

EDIT2: I would sh!tcan Meet the Spartans for a dozen reasons, but I may have boosted that opinion had Carmen flaunted things a bit more. :lol:
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Well thanks all of you .DIRECTORIK

the movies you mentioned well the list is of those movies which were made on high budget but still the examples were right.but i personally mean a low budget movies full of voilence , blood and sex and nudity. actually i had astory in mind which sadly i cant shoot in Pakistan because of high restrictions on these type of movies. so the plan cant take place but the movie idea is full of action,blood,revenge,sex,nudeity, and voilence.

i also wanted to know that these movies must be banned in many countries.How can i sell them in foregn market like US,UK,Canada, Germany, France??or it is Distributors headache. or being awriter and filmmaker I will have to take some special permission??

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what is garner industry

well clive then you must visit Pakistan even the goats and all animals here in Pakistan dont wear cloths [:p]

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I believe the topic is becoming interesting..........what else you people can add to this topic please???can i have alist of some low budget movies like this?????
by the way as DIRECTORIK said

While the governments of many countries have banned, censored and
even criminalized violence, sex and nudity in movies, theater and
books even people in those countries like violence, sex and
nudity in their movies, theater and books

i wanted to know countries which are from 3rd world only there movies like this are banned??or even in US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy??

can we take out the solution by placing a tag of FOR ADULTS ????

i mean i dont want to do anything illegul..........according to that particular country where my movie will get released

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No, I don't have anymore answers on this topic. I'm not the Wikipedia. I guess you'll just have to get out there and research this the same way every other film maker does...
Well clive dont you have answers to my previous questions??????
If I may speak for Clive; the problem with your question about what is acceptable, legal, etc. is that there are really no clear rules. Art is protected (in the U.S.) as free speech, so if a movie qualifies as art, it can have nudity and some very explicit sexual encounters and it will not be classed as pornography. Pornography isn't banned, but it is a lot more difficult to distribute it, as it lives and is financed by different rules/people.

So, how do you define what is art? In my experience, the budget of the movie has a lot to do with it. That may be a bit cynical, but if a movie has high production values (generally the result of a big budget), it is not judged as harshly.

Some of the things that are banned in the U.S. are beastiality (sex with animals), exploitation of children (under the age of 18), bondage (physical restraint) with penetration, actually (for real) killing people or animals, including crushing bugs, etc. There are more, but I can't find my list. I don't think you'll have a problem avoiding these things, but you may want to get a complete, detailed list from each country you are targeting. And, of course, these laws are always changing. Regarding underage actors and sex scenes, you'll want to be sure you keep very good records on your performers that include positive identification with date of birth. You'll want to be able to prove that your actors were over the age of 18 at the time of your filming.

As far as all of the other countries in the world, I would have no idea how their laws work, and you should not take my word on any of this. A distributor would probably be able to provide fairly clear guides on what types of content they will or will not accept, for legal or moral reasons. You may have to edit a different version of your movie for different markets, so you should shoot your movie so the story won't be damaged if you must remove certain shots or entire scenes.

What I really meant to write when I started this is that I doubt anyone can give you a definitive answer to your question. Often times, countries ban specific movies. There is no way to be sure a movie won't be banned, because countries ban movies for a wide range of "reasons" ... moral, religious, national pride, etc.
