Most UNDER-RATED Director?

In your opinion, who is the most under-rated director? They don't have to be completely unknown, most people here will probably know him/her...but just someone who's work you feel deserves more appreciation.
Aronosfky had that distinction in my mind when i saw PI but he has really taken off since.

Now... ummm... it would have to be me!

Kidding, lets see... off the top of my head, how about Paul Greengrass (and no, im not talking about the Bourne movies although i think theyre good) or how about Robert DeNiro?
I'm a champion of Orson Welles's later works, and I don't think they get the respect they deserve. But to call the director of the film that appears as number 1 on most lists of the best films ever underrated seems a bit wrong.
I guess it depends on who's doing the rating. Most of these directors have been rated pretty highly by the critics I've read over the years. If you're rating in terms of who is given the biggest budgets versus who isn't, then yeah, I'd agree.

In your opinion, who is the most under-rated director? They don't have to be completely unknown, most people here will probably know him/her...but just someone who's work you feel deserves more appreciation.

I would also like to mention Luis Buñuel, one of my personal influences, and most admired directors. From his early days of surrealism to his later works involving the church and the bourgeoisie as prime targets of the subjects of his films, Buñuel has never truly come to receive the recognition he deserves for the beautiful aesthetics and mind grappling issues and themes presented in his films.

To me that means someone who few people talk about or
mention when "best" lists are put together. Someone whose
value or importance is not generally recognized.

John Waters might not be - not any more - but until the 1990's
he was.

Henry Hathaway is that director. Without looking him up, how
many of you know who is?
I had to look him up. But your assessment is correct...he directed two of my favorite films (as well as many, many more) and I should have known his name.