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watch Moby: A Music Video Contest.

Howdy All,

Not sure if any of you were aware but MOBY was holding a music video contest. The deadline was last night at midnight.

I thought I would share my video.



I only had 2 days to work on this. Did everything myself. Had my girlfriend do the puppet work. Was a great learning experience when it came to the effects and pacing of the video in general.

Thanks for taking the time to watch. Would love to hear your thoughts.
That was AMAZING! Great work, never mind that it only took you two days. Your puppeteer totally made me understand what the character was feeling.. Good FX on the crawling part.. I seriously loved this video!
That song is pretty intense, the 2nd time thru I listed to the lyrics, at this point I actually have tears in my eyes. ( I am a sap, but still)
Loved the puppet. The shots were really lovely, too.

It did get a little repetitive to me though (the images and the song, lol).

Here's to taking home the gold! :cheers:
That was fantastic.
Very emotional.
Thank you for not putting the reflection in the water of a neglected small child's face.
Wheat - Ha. Yes. It's a very intense song. I like it a lot.

Dready - Thank you for the words. I liked the puppet too. I tried to design it so that it felt like more than just a plant. I wanted to give it a personality. In the end, I think it turned out quite well.

I also agree. As the creator behind this, I see 100 flaws that make me cringe. But like I said, this was a one man attempt which made it a challenge.

My workflow consisted of shooting a handful of shots and importing them so I can start making a rough cut to make sure I was moving at a decent pace and that I was hitting the beats that I wanted. I got to the point where I was 75% done with the shooting and rough edit but wanted to make some changes. When I shorted some clips it threw everything completely off.

It's funny how the entire vibe/feel of a music video changes when things are pushed around in the timeline. So I had to settle with what I originally had. Oh well, it was my first attempt at a music video and definitely a huge learning experience if I ever decide to take another shot at it.

RAY - Thanks! Ha Ha. No, I definitely wasn't planning on putting a small child's face in the reflection.

The ending I originally had in mind was that the watering pot would be empty. The plant would then look up towards the sink. The camera would then crane up revealing the sink.

The entire concept of this video is hope and the struggle in life.

I chose to do the ending that you see in the video because I love the idea of a happy ending. I wanted the plant to make it to the water instead of having yet another struggle and obstacle to overcome. I honestly feel that there should be a happy ending of sorts to the struggles in life.

Anyways, I'm glad you all took the time to watch and enjoyed it for the most part. Can't thank you enough!
That is some great work! And even better considering how short of a time you did it in!

The shots of the outside sky felt a tad too long and i would've liked him to have taken the dive when the chorus came back on, matching the higher intensity of the song with his difficult but brave decision.

And tbh, i wouldve liked the other ending you mentioned better. It would signify he doesn't give up hope no matter what and kept the focus on hope as a theme and not his rewarding ending.

But it was absolutely brilliant since you made me feel emotionally connected with the plant. To achieve that is proof of your directing ability.
Thanks Ernest for taking the time to watch the video.

I agree, the shots outside we're a tad too long. I had the plan to show an animated sun setting on the second outside shot. But with time working against me, I wasn't able to test out animations and add it into the video.

But you make some good points and I agree. If I just had more time, I would have been able to tighten everything up.

Thank you so much for the kind words!
Brilliant work, Opus.

I'd echo the statements from Dready and Ernest. But alas, you know them, and given the time constraints, this is a great success.

I truly felt for the plant. I thought the way it would sway, and coil, was perfect and hugely symbolic. Which is all you have to go on, and it worked beautifully.

Although the perfectionist in you upon every watch will focus on the flaws. I'd urge you to accept the collective pat on the back, because it's well deserved.

Great job, buddy.
Rob - Ha ha, receiving a paycheck would be nice. I'll keep you all updated if I make the round for the next 10.

Paper - Thank you! Good point. I'll give myself a pat on the back today!

You guys are really making my week with all the positive feedback. I truly appreciate it. All of it!
Just want to give an update. My music video for the Moby Contest was selected and made the top 10. Now it's a waiting game to see who the grand prize winner is out of the top 10!

Really excited for this!

Best news all week!