[May 22] What are you working on this week?

Doing a ton of research on sound equipment and mixing. Something I am completely unfamiliar with and will need to understand. Other than that, looking at constructive criticism on my first short!
Shot a music video last week. Cast and crew were just awesome which makes it so much fun. I have two auditions for leads in two different features this week. Lots of dialogue. Not complaining..
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I'm not taking any real steps this week.. just letting the idea for my july web series rattle around in my head. I did meet a cute stand up comic girl on tinder. maybe that's a lead for the web series host.
Carrying on with a corporate gig, shot a music video on saturday (image below) Although I think that I'm gonna go with colour instead.


(Just got element 3d so will be working on some sweet wireframe landscapes for said video :) )
Making videotutorials for a website for the Treasury Department.
Writing a proposal for a webshop for over 100 videos.

Found a co producer for my shortfilm :)
big surprise none of my friends or facebook friends will help with my trial web series of two months... I'm going to have to turn to an internet ad... Do you want an opportunity to make money looking at funny stuff on the internet!! Today is your lucky day!
Getting reacquainted with the site, crewing and casting for the N.O. 48 Hour Film Project, and working on pre-production for a documentary. And, as always, still trying to sell my zombie series.
I haven't lit a scene in a while... just playing around a little bit yesterday with a selfie and some lights

yeah i took this pic of myself by myself lol


Getting reacquainted with the site, crewing and casting for the N.O. 48 Hour Film Project, and working on pre-production for a documentary. And, as always, still trying to sell my zombie series.

Woah! blast from the past

Getting reacquainted with the site, crewing and casting for the N.O. 48 Hour Film Project, and working on pre-production for a documentary. And, as always, still trying to sell my zombie series.

:welcome: back!
For real died, like they had to restart your heart? Wow you really are lucky.

A woman in a full size SUV decided the stop sign was more of a suggestion than a rule and pulled out right in front of me. The report says I T-boned the truck at 35 miles per hour, my head went through the side of the SUV (totaling it), then I was ejected rearward onto the pavement at high speed. The force of the impacts broke my helmet in two places. I have no memory of the crash and my first post crash memory is being wheeled into surgery. I was visited in the hospital by the doctor who pronounced me dead at the scene. Fortunately for me, the rescue unit chose to ignore the doctor and brought me back. The medical charges rang up to over $280K and counting. Her insurance paid out a whopping $15K, which the medical insurance company quickly grabbed. The upside is, now that I'm medically retired due to permanent disability, I have more time to film.
Wow. Yeah I'm speechless after that one you're definitely lucky to be alive. I hope your extra time to film leads to something really good

Me too. If I ever get too tight for cash, I can always dig the small fighter jet's worth if titanium out of my skeleton and sell it. :lol: