[May 22] What are you working on this week?

Wow! When I said welcome back, I didn't know it meant to life. That's horrible news followed by great news! :)
And I thought I'd had a tough year - yikes! I'm glad you're not dead and like sfoster said, I definitely hope you've got some good stuff coming (no, I'm SURE you do).

Thanks. I would like to think that I paid off any karmic debt I may have had.

Wow! When I said welcome back, I didn't know it meant to life. That's horrible news followed by great news! :)

During my nearly a year of convalescence, I have come up with a few new ideas, started a couple more books, a series, had a breakthrough in the writing of a couple of screenplays, and started learning Japanese.
If I can interject some comic relief... your username... uh, kinda describes your noggin... lol!