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Looking for a moderator

Hi all!

As you may know from my other thread, i recently started two channels on vimeo.

Even though i just opened it two days ago, The 2 Minute Channel has taken off and has had a substantial influx of subscribers for such a short period of time.

Im looking to add another moderator. The main duties would include checking out the shoutbox videos and adding any appropriate videos you may find on vimeo.

Please drop your name and vimeo details in this thread if you are interested.

Thanks, Paul! There aren't too many posts in the shout box right now so it should be fine. It's more about how often you browse vimeo and watch new videos and films etc.

I'll PM u in a couple of days with an update.
I could pop in from time to time.. I do check my video groups religiously. Pretty narrow focus, but having excuses to follow a few rabbits down holes might be fun...