
So my day is starting off well. I checked out BBC and what was on the front page?

Harry Potter 3D Release Cancelled

At first I was like, 'Ooo, did they come to their senses and see it for the cheap parlor trick that it is?' *

And then I read on and it's just because they don't want to delay the release of the 2D version. So it's kismet! Not only will the film be on schedule (YAY, it looks sooo good), but it won't be ruined by yucky 3D conversion!

I don't want to have HP in 3D unless it's a holodeck program. That I would pay even as much as 20 bucks for.

*Apologies to C Funk
A 2D release fortune now, a 3D release fortune later (“Cus ultimately we just want to give the fans the HP experience they desire..”, or some other tagline.), and a DVD pile of loot just in time for Xmas sounds right about on target to me. It’s the one in the hand AND the two in the bush.

They realized the bad character with no nose doesn't benefit from 3D because his face is inherently 2D without a nose.