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watch Kargl

that had better been a fake cat..
effective, nice look, hate the subject though.. but I think thats what I was supposed to feel..
Ok. Another example of why you should never judge a book by it's cover. Because you've got Butthead in your pic, I was a bit surprised to see you take on a short like this.

Sometimes, when it went out of focus, it looked intentional; often times it did not, and was kind of distracting.

But you built some serious tension. I really like the editing, and the musical selection was perfect. Nice work.

EDIT: And I'm looking forward to seeing your next film.
The focusing in and out was intentional. I hoped it would give the audience a drugged feeling... Then I hoped once things got out of control it would have more of a "trip gone bad" vibe.

EDIT: You are right, a few shots were not out of focus on purpose.
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This is some serious nitpicking on my part but, as an example -- at approximately the three-minute mark, the camera pans from paul to the dude standing. The camera is out of focus for a split-second. My instincts tell me that wasn't intentional. But obviously, I'm not you, so maybe I'm wrong.

There were a few other similar moments, when I saw small focus issues similar to that one.

But again, that's nitpicking. Overrall, I really like what you've done.

Gotta agree you. I guess its not as much out of focus on purpose. I just told our DP (don't worry if it goes out of focus). :)

Really appreciate the feedback!
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I guess I should come clean and admit this was a comedy (meant to be). We showed it to a lot of friends when we were done and they didn't really find it funny either, so I decided to put it on here just as a narrative short and see what kind of feedback it got. I wanted it to parody pervasive foreign films, but I guess some of my techniques are too subtle.
Before I say anything else, I find this short to be very effective. I like how it is shot and directed, and also really like the music.

I guess I should come clean and admit this was a comedy (meant to be).........I guess some of my techniques are too subtle.

Or, not outrageous enough! I had a similar idea, where a guy has to watch his friend's pit bull. It is a really mean and despicable character. When it bites him, he hangs it up like a pinata. Only thing is we see the pit bull pinata's shadow on the white curtain, from outside the window as he beats it. What would make it comedy, is that the dog would obviously be stiff and fake.

If your cat looked fake, it would be funny, but this guy is messing with a real cat. Plus, the music and drug needle is very intense. I liked your style, but this wasn't working as a comedy (even though I could see it as one, with a few tweaks). The scene is just too real. What you needed (for a comedy) was a bunch of goofy bong stoners. Maybe, the guy could have gone after a stuffed animal and not even realized that it wasn't the cat.

As it is, it works, but on a messed up level. I'll never forget it! :D
Oh, I just noticed this about your profile:

Favorite Film(s)
meet the feebles

Yes!!!!!!!! There's nothing more vivid than seeing a cockroach whipping a cow, for a rat's porno shoot!

I thought that was great! I especially liked the camera work/editing. Really nice choices.

What did you use for the heroine? Please tell me it wasn't real, lol. Shooting up for your art, now that would be dedication..
I thought that was great! I especially liked the camera work/editing. Really nice choices.

What did you use for the heroine? Please tell me it wasn't real, lol. Shooting up for your art, now that would be dedication..
Thanks a lot :)

It was actually added in digitally in post. Same with the hole that gets punched in the wall.

If your cat looked fake, it would be funny, but this guy is messing with a real cat. Plus, the music and drug needle is very intense. I liked your style, but this wasn't working as a comedy (even though I could see it as one, with a few tweaks). The scene is just too real. What you needed (for a comedy) was a bunch of goofy bong stoners. Maybe, the guy could have gone after a stuffed animal and not even realized that it wasn't the cat.

As it is, it works, but on a messed up level. I'll never forget it! :D
Really appreciate the critique.

I didn't want it to work on the same level as most comedys. I hoped that the end would be completely unexpected. One minute you thought you were watching something meaningful about hate/fear/violence/human nature... Next thing a defenseless cat is getting beaten up by a full grown man. :D Hope that makes sense.
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