Just ordered some breakaway bottles

We're shooting a short Friday night and I ordered a couple of breakaway bottles for it. Shipping/packing costs more than the glass itself haha. It'll be our first time to use it. I asked the guy on the phone for his cheapest piece in addition to the bottle so we can demo it with the actor and he'll know what to expect, but instead he's throwing in some scrap pieces for free.

It'll be fun, looking forward to it!
SUPER fragile! Need to be kept away from moisture and heat, obviously. And they are so easy to break that you can easily snap one in half, simply by moving your hands too quickly, while holding one.
^^^^What he said. With only two bottles I hope you're shooting with multiple cameras. It's the only way you'll get enough coverage.
Haha, yeah we're shooting 2 or 3 cameras for the stuff you only one to do once (maybe twice). Some of the stunts, bottle smash, throwing food, etc. I'm more worried about messing a take up or breaking a bottle early than coverage.

They're from Alfonsos. The candy ones work but these are a chemical mix, they look really legit.

I did see a video where a guy took the scraps and with lots of ventation he melted them down to make something else. Kinda cool.
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Alfonsos is the best. I've had excellent results with their shipping.
Some pieces do break but from what I can tell it is not due to their
packaging. They take great care in their work.

Sugar or "candy" glass has gone the way of cassette tapes.
So the bottles worked stellar. Packing was good and they arrived intact. A lot of fun to play around with.

I just got home from the shoot. We started setting up around 5 pm yesterday, shot all night and finished striking around 8:30 am. Drove a guy home, just made it here at 9:30. A smaller crew and elaborate set we had to build from scratch made it a little longer but it was great. My first time just producing, I'll write more about that later.

But yeah, the bottles were superb.


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Awesome. BTW - I have only ever used the candy bottles. I'm curious about these new ones -- are they also super-fragile, or a little more resiliant to normal handling?
We could pick them up and place them fine. We actually put an inch or two of water in them to weigh them and keep it from blowing over. The water added a nice splash on impact too.

Shattered into nice big pieces, but after walking on it the rest of the fight they were ground down quite a bit.

Shipped with no labels but we made a couple to really sell it. As far as look, it looked legit. You could see through it like glass, no bubbles or anything. We ordered a light green bottle and it was a little yellow for my liking. The test piece we asked for was crystal clear.