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watch Just finished filming my first short!

Hey guys i just finished filming my first short film! Its not going to be the best of shorts because i filmed it at 2:00 A.M. in my room, with just me acting( witch i am not so good at), My camera(canon hv30) my tripod, and my zoom h4 recorder. It took oly about 30minutes to film. This is my first short so basicly its a test. At the moment im waiting for my footage to upload to my computer. After i edit it i will upload it and you all can tell me what u think about it!
Iwas just about done with editing and everything and i acidently hit the memory card from out of my computer.... so now the audio is unable to be found....looks like i am going to either have to re-sync all of my audio (so basicly start editing from the begining) or just put music instead of actual sound.....FML. Looks like i wont be posting the video up untill tomarow or the next day.. =/
Media should never be used directly from the card.
Step one in your work flow is to copy the data from the card onto your hard drive.
You'll get much better performance that way.
I hate it when stuff like that happens. Since it only too you 30 minutes to shoot, why don't you just shoot it again and make sure you get the audio. Use on camera audio for backup, in case your Zoom H4n craps out. Even though on camera audio quality might suck, you can use it for reference when dubbing your lines, if you have to.

It took me all day to shoot my Korg Kronos video. When I tried doing the greenscreen effects, the results sucked because I shot in Standard def. As much as I didn't want to, I reset the greenscreen shots and shot it all again in High def. I'm glad I did - better to take a day to reshoot, than take two or three days fixing it in post!

The benefit is that you'll improve upon the way you shot things the first time. Good luck!
Yup unfortunatly i learned my lesson the hard way. =/ At least i wont (probly) make that misstake again on a bigger project!

I hate it when stuff like that happens. Since it only too you 30 minutes to shoot, why don't you just shoot it again and make sure you get the audio. Use on camera audio for backup, in case your Zoom H4n craps out. Even though on camera audio quality might suck, you can use it for reference when dubbing your lines, if you have to.

It took me all day to shoot my Korg Kronos video. When I tried doing the greenscreen effects, the results sucked because I shot in Standard def. As much as I didn't want to, I reset the greenscreen shots and shot it all again in High def. I'm glad I did - better to take a day to reshoot, than take two or three days fixing it in post!

The benefit is that you'll improve upon the way you shot things the first time. Good luck!

well I still have the audio on my memery card so their is no need to re-film everything. I just have to re-sync the audio to the video clips.
Story's oh-so-weak...

...but you seem to have the mechanics down just fine. :cool:

There's establishing shots, inserts, some various angles, bit of pacing going on...

This is a one-person production, right?

Not bad for a first shot, at all. :)
D@mn, Brett


I mean: Gripping.
The theme, story and plot had me by the shorties all along. ;)

I look forward to your next production.
Yikes I cringed when I read that you lost the audio when the card popped out. Lesson learned haha, put all of it on the computer before editing.

I liked it a lot though! nice job for a 1-man job!
Hey does any one know why when i uploaded the video to youtube, how come It doesn't fill the box in from left to right and also how come it didnt upload in High def?
I think i might re-do this short. Same concept but make things more clear, make the sound better, and all that good stuff. Maby add some blood. Can never go wrong with adding blood! :lol: