archived-videos ITOOFC #4 Official Entries

Here are the films competing this round:

From Terrasolo - Annoying Brian
Discussion Here

From jdmarlow - One Dream
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From dylan61 - Talking Dead
Discussion Here

From Boz Uriel - No Strings Attached
Discussion Here

From EddieLeonardo - The Wretched Decree
Discussion Here

From CootDog - Casting Call
Discussion Here

From Spatula - Bloody Hell
Discussion Here

From Zensteve - Rest
Discussion Here

From John@Bophe - Lullaby
Discussion Here

From DirectorX - Darkness
Discussion Here

Polls will be open for exactly two weeks. Vote for your favorite. Vote for the best. Vote for who ever offers the biggest cash bribe. Just Vote!

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Upvote 0

That's crazy!

So you would only allow votes from existing members as long as they didn't join after the competition and use the same computer or service to vote?

Bird... anti-climax...:lol: that's pretty funny!:lol:

To stop the contreversy and do it politically, removing the "People's Choice Award" must have been the only option by management. Do I like it, ofcourse not because I was in the lead, at least the last time I checked.

I definitely do not want the ITOOFC's to end. If this is what has to happen in order for there to be an ITOOFC#5 then so be it.

Maybe some official rules should be drawn up if there is another people's choice.

Since there is no more People's Choice Award, does that mean the People's Choice poster contest is removed as well?
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Okie Dokie!

I was out of town this weekend and it seems that this little contest blew up a bit while I was enjoying chicken and dumplings with my in-laws.

I am unsure of all of the events that transpired, but I think I have a pretty good grasp as to what happened. To answer some questions that might be floating around...

The Judges Panel is still scoring each and every film and the Award will be announced on Tuesday night at 8PM EST (24 hours after the polls were supposed to close). At this same time we will award a Best Acting Performance and Best Knife Award.

The Popular Vote or People's Choice Award has been discontinued for this round of the ITOOFC, we will look into rules of the Pop Vote when the next ITOOFC rolls around, but based on the rules we have been running on throughout the first 3 comps, this vote needs to be disqualified.

CootDog said:
Since there is no more People's Choice Award, does that mean the People's Choice poster contest is removed as well?

This as well has been shut down.

The management is sorry that this has happened, if you have comments or concerns, please PM me...I am willing to listen to them.

FWIW - I've had problems with people's choice votes on the internet...twice with the Amazon Tribeca online festival and once with the Subaru commercial. (I didn't have a problem with the ITOOFC #3 vote, other than there were maybe 30 votes total on all the films, and my short was viewed over 200 times...I wish more voted one way or the other.)

My point being maybe it's for the best that the people's choice award be removed. There really isn't any way to make it fair. You could make rules, but that doesn't mean they'll be followed, which means more work for the moderators.

I do suggest (again) that the judges sheets get shared either as critiques for everyone, or at least shared with all of the entrants. How many critiques have you read that leave you scratching your head, but when you read others by the person, you get it (ie: oh, they don't like comedy, or they like a lot of camera work, or they like the camera to be steady etc.) That really would help in doing your own critique of your own work, and if passed to everyone, would give you an idea of what some people are looking at. Let's face it, this business is a matter of taste. Some like, some hate, some don't get and the bottom line is one day, it'll be all about how many tickets get sold.

An example from #3, I had a door noise. It was a bus door opening. One critic said that the sound was screwed up for the door opening. Actually it was meant to be that way (supposed to be funny). Seeing others from the same critic might have helped me figure out if it was just not funny or if the critic just missed it by the way he/she looked at other films.

Another idea that I have is the director's choice. Have the entrants vote for their favorite short other than their own.

Anyway, I sort of feel like an outsider on this board, so take this for what it's worth (not much).

I'll go back to lurking.

cibao said:
I do suggest (again) that the judges sheets get shared either as critiques for everyone, or at least shared with all of the entrants.
They're not critiques, they're scores, and they aren't shared, they are confidential.
I understand your stance Indie, but I was talking to someone today about this, and I think it would be good to keep the information confidential and share the score with the individual filmmaker. It would let us know where the judges think we lacked so we would know what to work on for next time.
Be part

cibao said:
Another idea that I have is the director's choice. Have the entrants vote for their favorite short other than their own.

I actually like that idea!

Anyway, I sort of feel like an outsider on this board, so take this for what it's worth (not much).

I'll go back to lurking.


Why do you feel like an outsider.. Don't lurk, be part of the community! :yes:
CootDog said:
I understand your stance Indie, but I was talking to someone today about this, and I think it would be good to keep the information confidential and share the score with the individual filmmaker. It would let us know where the judges think we lacked so we would know what to work on for next time.
If a judge thinks his score will be shared he will most likely not want to be a judge. It's confidential for a reason, so the judges are not afraid to give an honest score. They will not be shared with the filmmakers.
I understand where you're coming from. I never thought about that and now that I see it that way, it seems that not sharing the scores would be a good idea. The scores should be the scores, and not be altered because they don't want the filmmaker to know.

Thanks Indie for explaining it!
CootDog said:
I understand where you're coming from. I never thought about that and now that I see it that way, it seems that not sharing the scores would be a good idea. The scores should be the scores, and not be altered because they don't want the filmmaker to know.

Thanks Indie for explaining it!
I also see your points. Thanks for the suggestion.
Spatula said:
Last year we got anonymous score sheets, with categories... is that happening this year?
Poke should know. All I know is you won't know who gave you what. As far as anonymous sheets, I have no idea.