ok so i was thinking about making a movie about changing history sort of a comedy where two best friends brian and chris get taken on the trip of a lifetime when they fall asleep bored in history class they travel back through time to life changing events like john lennons assisanation 9/11 JFKs assasination and then go to the future of 2012 throughout the story the two boys try to stop the events from happening by saving JFK and stoping lennons stalker

what do you think
Aside from reaffirming the thought that punctuation would make your posts easier to read..

I think the idea has potential, of course it won't be logistically feasible to attempt to shoot this as a low or no budget film. I'd say write it, and try to sell it.

I also think it would be best to not turn it into a Bill & Ted kind of movie
what do you think

I don't think ideas are inherently crazy.

How they get developed is where the problems lie.

You'd definitely have to cross all your i's and dot the t's, making a film about changing actual historical events. Good luck. :)
Crazy people never question their own sanity, so the fact that you questioned it means your NOT crazy.

But since I KNOW I'm not crazy, then I say I saw this movie when it was called, "Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure. " Just Kidding, I see your story is different in the aspect that Brian and Chris try to CHANGE the past.... which has all sorts of silly Sci-Fi possibilites...
Just a suggestion, but I would consider narrowing it to a single historical event and just milk that as much as possible..

That was my fault as well, or maybe something that causes a bunch of events to collide in one time and place?

I don't know. That sounds vaguely like Bill and Ted, too.

It's a good idea though. I would definitely say it's worth developing.
The truth is, there are so many crazy ideas floating around that it's hard for anyone to say whether something is a good idea or not. It all boils down to execution. Can you pull this off well enough that it will entertain audiences.
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It could be good but do your time travel theory research. Viewers like me would like you to have a good explanation for not following the standard paradoxes.

Oh come on, Dreadylocks-the premise that explains ALL paradoxes and timetravel: Multiple Universe Theory ;)

Nice and neat, right? :lol:

It sounds like a good idea (though Bill and Ted came into my mind as well). The thing with time travel movies is to avoid falling into familiar territory and find an angle that hasn't been done.

But I agree with the above posters, any idea can be good, it's how it's executed.:)
you're loony tunes. lol, jk.

I like it. I say write it, add some serious parts to make it grasp the audience at certain point, i.e: at the end of act 2 or beginning of act 3, turn the movie around to where all of a sudden, someone has to make a brave move in order to save the day or something.

Kind of like when "Hurley" from LOST came busting through the jungle in the 70's VW van and ran the bad guys over. I cheered when I saw that.
I don't think it's a bad idea but it definitely doesn't sound completely new or original. But I think if you manage to find a certain touch for it that would make it stand out on its own, then it's certainly something worth writing.
I don't think it's a bad idea but it definitely doesn't sound completely new or original. But I think if you manage to find a certain touch for it that would make it stand out on its own, then it's certainly something worth writing.

Couldn't agree more. I think it would be more effective to focus on one event in history, as was mentioned above. There needs to be a stronger link between the past and the present too - just falling asleep in a history class doesn't do it for me, seems very similar too "he woke up and it was all a dream" as the conclusion to a story, just in reverse. Maybe they should be doing a project on the event and go back in time at JFK's birthplace or after stealing a guitar that used to belong to John Lennon - anything that gives their time traveling some motivation.
If you're looking for inspiration(not necessarily comedy-but the idea of messing around with time) check an series from the 80's called "Quantum Leap".

A great idea that executed nicely until stuck with the (IMO) lame series finale. It had a good run of a few season and really played with the idea of changing the past.
If that is crazy, I'm insane...

Hmmm, will this idea end up in cinema??

Your plan has a small problem: you will have to show all the disasters that will happen if they don't save JFK or there is nothing to show. (Like Terminator 2: you need to feel the tension of a 'darkness coming', before you can feel the relief it didn't happen.)
And you will have to show why and how these things/events are connected.
Nobody will believe it when you stop the moon from falling from the sky by saving 1 butterfly (just to name a thing).

Your setup sparks an idea:

Save Lennon and let him appear in the future as a desillusioned man without inspiration; his days of fame are long gone and his star has faded. Yoko has left him. He is still touring pubs and wonders why he got saved that day... Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Elvis died early and are still legendary... he isn't. Did god punish him for saying the Beatles were bigger than Jesus???
When the heroes appear and tell him they saved him but traveling back in time he wants to go back and stop them saving him....

Not a real comedy, but it could be a funny and sad drama...
ok so i was thinking about making a movie about changing history sort of a comedy where two best friends brian and chris get taken on the trip of a lifetime when they fall asleep bored in history class they travel back through time to life changing events like john lennons assisanation 9/11 JFKs assasination and then go to the future of 2012 throughout the story the two boys try to stop the events from happening by saving JFK and stoping lennons stalker

what do you think

I thought of back to the future