Is Final Cut Pro X worth it?

I keep reading it has more accommodations for DSLRs, and I read about other features it has as well, but I'm not too familiar with all these new features. Do they really make a significant improvement?
Looks like it could really be worth it, for me at least. I was sitting in Germany editing a huge documentary project that I'd filmed in Africa for the last 3 months when I saw the video announcement. Made me drool.

I've been editing my projects on a Macbook, which means that render times have been through the roof, but it looks like that will be significantly reduced with some of the pre-archiving and rendering that FCP X does during the Import/Capture process. And many other features that I saw would be just plain lifesavers...

I hope I have enough dough to grab a copy before I head back to Africa.

Hey, if you're going to be traveling a lot, be sure to check out that link that was posted earlier in the thread to a creative cow chat on the software.

Apparently the fact that it sells/downloads via the app store can be a huge problem for travelers. Something to do with the fact that apple won't let you purchase something if your IP doesn't match your billing info. That and that you can only access the app store that matches your IP.
I heard something about that too. I also heard I would need to get other upgrades just to support FCP X. So would you guys and gals say, I should just by the older FCP Studio 3 package then?

Calling 'older' is a misnomer.

I think that FCPX is not the successor to FCS3 any more than a MacBook Pro would be a successor to a Mac Pro.

They have different markets, hence they have different user interfaces. I see this as an attempt by Apple to bridge the gap between iMovie users and FCP users- presumably to get kids who were using iMovie to start using/buying their more expensive software.

It's kind of like a gateway drug.
It may also be an attempt to streamline editing and make it more user friendly. Honestly, if they add in the what's missing and retain the great new features, I don't see what the problem is. Are people really complaining because it follows the interface of something easy to use?
Everyone complains a little when they have to learn a new interface. It's the missing features that's the big problem.

Are they going to add everything back? I'm not so sure... Apple has had a way of telling people "you don't need this" in the past by removing connectors from computers and what not.

Considering the price, FCPX may be decent software. Cheap software usually doesn't have the same pro features as more expensive software.
Are they going to add everything back? I'm not so sure... Apple has had a way of telling people "you don't need this" in the past by removing connectors from computers and what not.

Considering the price, FCPX may be decent software. Cheap software usually doesn't have the same pro features as more expensive software.

I can totally understand the removal of connectors, Apple always like to be on the cutting-edge. Which include throwing away of old stuff. For example, they are trying to get rid of DVDs with the macbook airs, to show that you don't need a DVD drive, because DVD is honestly like... 15 years old technology, and they are saying, instead of changing to another some kind of Disc which is just bigger in size, why don't we just move on to another technology, and they provide alternatives.

Now i don't think they would do that to softwares. And if they do, they must add in some features that replaces the old techniques. The people making these software aren't dumb. They do effectively take up almost half of the professional market. They won't just throw such a huge market away like that.... I still hold that they would add in the better features.

Well... unless this is some major screw up as bad as the release of windows vista by microsoft

To answer your question Harmonica, I'd avoid the Final Cut franchise alltogether at this point.

Historically, when Final Cut updated it was industry leading. 6 months later Adobe would update and Match or outdo Final Cut features. Then a year later when Adobe would offer another update, it's way ahead. Final cut has always been years between updates, versus Adobe which is about 12-18 months apart, always giving you software that can take advantage of the latest hardware improvements and cool new software tools. Now that the long awaited Final Cut update has been received like this, no reason to learn it.

Final Cut Studio is already years outdated, so if you start with it your starting on outdated stuff. Normally that's fine, but when the update is out with a radically different interface and feature set that doesn't line up with anything you're learning in Studio then it wouldn't make sense.

I've used Premiere since version 1 on floppy disks haha. Adobe is a solid company. I've also used Final Cut Studio 1 and 2 (there isn't a 3?) and my personal preference has always been towards Adobe.

Even 99% of the "groundbreaking" tools that Final Cut X offers have already been implemented a year or two ago in Adobe and Avid.

I know I sang a different song last week, but wow this has been a rough release.
At this point I'd agree with PaulGriffith. If you want to go with Final Cut, it has to be FCPX. FCPX would probably work fine, since you're just starting out and doing everything yourself. Learning the older Final Cut Studio at this point would be pointless. However, if you're intending to collaborate with others in post, I really see no choice other than going with Adobe.
So what's the differences between Adobe and final cut? Which adobe, adobe vegas?

I changed my vote. You should be a producer. :lol:

I'm truly sorry if I gave you a hard time in the past, but new information confirms my doubt...not only should you shoot a movie and get on with it, you should edit one as well. Everything else is talk, which you excel at. Experience life instead of just talking about it. I wish you the best.
So what's the differences between Adobe and final cut? Which adobe, adobe vegas?

You have to learn to do a little heavy lifting on your own. You can get short cuts here, help, advice, a lot of info, but it seems you want people to lead you by the nose through every inch of the landscape. That's not going to help you and it's unfair to put people here in that position.
All saws cut. (the carpenter in me is coming out) You can read about all the different types of saws there are but you'll never know what it's like to cut until you buy one and try to cut some wood.

You can edit a movie with any one of the editors you are talking about. Buy one and start cutting video.

As for the topic, yes FCPX is worth it. It only cost 299.00 and you can make a movie with it. I bought it yesterday and I can verify that you can edit a movie with it. ;-)