Irvin Kershner - RIP

Best known for directing the final great Star Wars film, "The Empire Strikes Back".

Mr. Kershner turned down Mr. Lucas’s offer at first, until, as he recalled in a public interview at the Colorado Film School, Mr. Lucas told him the future of the series was at stake.

“ ‘Well, I want you to think about it,’ he says,” Mr. Kershner related, “ ‘because if the second one works, then I’ll make more.’ He says, ‘If it doesn’t work, that’s the end of “Star Wars.” ’ ”

Heh... bit of a mixed blessing, I 'spose. ;)

I'd totally forgotten about one of the films mentioned in his obit - "The Eyes of Laura Mars". I recall seeing that in the cinema way back when, and being scared witless as a wee lad. :scared:

Gonna buy a copy in his honour, and relive some great memories.

p.s. Tell Leslie I said hi o/
Goodbye, Irvin Kershner.

I'd totally forgotten about one of the films mentioned in his obit - "The Eyes of Laura Mars". I recall seeing that in the cinema way back when, and being scared witless as a wee lad. :scared:

Did you know that John Carpenter wrote that script?
Read a great tidbit about Empire in his obit...apparently the Lucas script called for Leia to say "I love you" followed by Han saying "I love you, too." Kershner hated Han's line, knew that Han would never say that, so he deviated from the script and utilized Harrison Ford's ad-libbed reply, "I know." Lucas was chagrined, until test audiences proved Kershner's instinct correct.