Instant Karma

When I was shooting Us Sinners, a lot of the problems, headaches and weaknesses came from the fact I'd never made a movie before. I worried constantly that these fabulous actors would find out I didn't have a clue and quit. After it was all over, I found out my anxiety was completely unfounded. Everyone had a great time.

For Leading Lady I don't have that anxiety. I know what I'm doing, and I'm actually very good at it. The anxiety this time comes from my leading lady (the same one I've been bitching about here), whose mission in life is to make my life miserable and cause me as much stress as possible. When I get an e-mail or I'm in the same room as her, my stomach hurts so bad I can barely stand up straight. It's like an instant ulcer. But, once everyone is in place and shooting begins, it's pretty damn incredible. She's stunningly beautiful and naturally talented.

We have two more intense weekends to shoot and we'd have been done with her. But, besides the fact she showed up two shades darker from hanging out on the beach during the week. We got into it over a single shot and a special paragraph that I wrote to protect her from me, a person she barely knows. She took my own words, twisted them to her liking and spit them in my face. Which for me was the end.

My special paragraph states that I may ask her to do some shots that may seem questionable (example: picking up her clothes after having sex and walking to the stairway) It's not in the script, but it might be a beautiful shot. She's absolutely gorgeous. Since it's not in the script, I'd give her final say whether the shot could be used in the final edit. That's pretty generous.

This weekend we shot a short two shot scene where Nancy is having sex with a stranger she met at a coffee house. Because we were shooting at a friend's apartment, I didn't want to bring someone in to do two shots. I might be bald, but from behind, I'm fairly skinny. So, as long as my face doesn't show, you really can't tell my age. I'm also really hairy, and Nancy's suppose to have this look of complete revulsion on her face. It's a really great shot.

The second shot in the script is "He rolls off her and grabs her boob". Since I'm too old to be having sex with this young lady, I needed a replacement shot. So, I came up with a perfect one. I roll off her, she turns, sees her dead sister's picture smiling at her and she turns the picture over so she can't see it.

The problem came when the bra and shirt she held over her body so I couldn't actually touch her skin kept getting in the shot. It was late, and I said "You have to remove them". She refused. I said "This is in the script", and she said "No it's not. In the script he rolls off her and grabs her boob". So, I said "Okay, get under the blankets and we'll shoot that". She refused. We finally got a really poor shot of her flipping the photo. But she argued semantics. Yes this shot was not specifically in the script. But, it replaced a shot that was. The special paragraph was for questionable material. This wasn't questionable. Her breasts literally can not be seen. She doesn't appear naked in the movie. Her problem was the body on top of her was me.

So, after that, I shut down production. I blamed myself instead of just telling everyone I won't work with her anymore. But, the best is she writes me with " If you are considering contacting me when you are ready to start up again, please do." I set her straight today.

A question that's always bothered me was "If someone's behavior is so terrible, do you want to reward them with any kind of recognition?" If Leading Lady turns out good or bad, it's still a product. It would still get her name and face to some portion of the population. I finally decided I don't want to condone her behavior and attitude. I don't want our names associated in any way.

She also asked for scenes to use on her reel. I told her I'd only send her our 5 second bed scene. I bet she's pissed. But, I feel good.

Can't offer any constructive criticism, but your post creeps me out and I'm not even on set.

I guess I am just a creepy old man. The people not working with me anymore must be relieved, and the ones waiting for the production to resume must be just as creepy. Go figure.
I guess I am just a creepy old man. The people not working with me anymore must be relieved, and the ones waiting for the production to resume must be just as creepy. Go figure.

While I understand your situation, I'm not sure you completely understand hers. From her perspective, things went from being a typical indie shoot to being a naked porn shoot with minimal crew with the the creepy old man in charge crawling on top of her. As the director the last thing you should ever do is cast yourself into the sex scene.
While I understand your situation, I'm not sure you completely understand hers. From her perspective, things went from being a typical indie shoot to being a naked porn shoot with minimal crew with the the creepy old man in charge crawling on top of her. As the director the last thing you should ever do is cast yourself into the sex scene.

That's not even close to her perspective at all. As I stated I didn't want to do it, but it was me or the DP, and he's not skinny. There's nothing wrong with anyone on a set to be used as a body, if it gets the job done properly.
That's not even close to her perspective at all. As I stated I didn't want to do it, but it was me or the DP, and he's not skinny. There's nothing wrong with anyone on a set to be used as a body, if it gets the job done properly.

Are you sure about that?

Her problem was the body on top of her was me.

How many people do you need to tell you the same thing before you get it? Yes, we understand that you just wanted to get the shoot in the can.

But in a situation like this, her perspective is the only one that really matters. In your first post, you stated that she had a problem with you being on top of her. And we've been trying to explain to you why she had a problem with you being on top of her. You were calling the shots, and you decided that you should be on top of her. You might have had the most innocent of thoughts running through your head, but she certainly didn't seem to think so.

Or, maybe she's seen a little indie movie about a guy who kills prostitutes, after having sex with them. Maybe that imagery was in the back of her mind. Maybe she's wondered what goes through the mind of the person who made that film. Or, maybe she's totally cool with that movie.

Regardless, as you stated in your first post in this thread, she was not comfortable with you being on top of her. That's all you need to know. Cut and wrap, re-shoot the scene another day, with a different actor.
Are you sure about that?

How many people do you need to tell you the same thing before you get it? Yes, we understand that you just wanted to get the shoot in the can.

But in a situation like this, her perspective is the only one that really matters. In your first post, you stated that she had a problem with you being on top of her. And we've been trying to explain to you why she had a problem with you being on top of her. You were calling the shots, and you decided that you should be on top of her. You might have had the most innocent of thoughts running through your head, but she certainly didn't seem to think so.

Or, maybe she's seen a little indie movie about a guy who kills prostitutes, after having sex with them. Maybe that imagery was in the back of her mind. Maybe she's wondered what goes through the mind of the person who made that film. Or, maybe she's totally cool with that movie.

Regardless, as you stated in your first post in this thread, she was not comfortable with you being on top of her. That's all you need to know. Cut and wrap, re-shoot the scene another day, with a different actor.

I'm firmly sure about it. A body is a body. She knew it was going to be me or one of the crew. She sent me an e-mail about her concerns, which I answered, and explained why it was going to be one of us. She dropped it at that. When the time came for the first shot (her being picked up in a coffee shop) the camera guy didn't want to do it. The rest is bad history.

As far as her perspective is the only one that matters is wrong. I'm the director, my perspective matters a hell of a lot more then hers. When she's putting up the money, and handling everything I'll worry about her perspective. This was a no nothing shot, that she refused to do because she's a spoiled brat who for the first time didn't get her way.

She flat out refused to do it. Now she's yelling "I'd have re-shot it. I can do it again". No, she can't.

When I recast her, I'm going to make damn sure the actress is going to know if we're not shooting her bedroom scenes in her bedroom, that there's a good chance it's going to be me on top of them.
When I recast her, I'm going to make damn sure the actress is going to know if we're not shooting her bedroom scenes in her bedroom, that there's a good chance it's going to be me on top of them.

Why not cast someone to work in this scene with your actress? Your continued assertion that it be you is probably going to come off unprofessional to ANY actress involved.

As an actor who has had to work love scenes in the past, you have to ease an actress into the frame of mind to be comfortable in that situation. You can't just get to the set and go, "All right, who's gonna get on top of her..? You..? You..? No? Okay, guess it's me..."

I realize you feel you are very right in your intentions and perspective of what happened and what went down, but lines like "the spoiled brat didn't get her way for the first time in her life" or whatever you just said, doesn't come off as anything other than petulant and kinda childish, to me.

Steve: I'm not casting another actor because I'm not bringing anyone extra to this apartment. More people, more possibility of something bad happening. It isn't just about the actress.

Before both shots I had an actor and actress on top of her, so I could watch the monitor. So, yeah it was pretty much get on top and fuck her. I'm pretty sure I even said that. She laughed as did everyone else.

Richy: There are no boundaries between me and anyone. I treat everyone with complete respect. I joke around constantly and PC is nowhere to be found around me. But they all know and appreciate the atmosphere I provide. My sets as with most everyone I work with is a hell-of-a-lot of fun.

The problem on this set was, everyone was having a great time but me. Why the hell should I as the creator not enjoy the process? I only do this every 5 years, so I better have a good time. And I will, once I recast her.

Here's another little story of her "I don't do what I don't want to do".

Nancy and George are drinking wine. Of course it was grape juice. I sent them e-mails a week before asking if grape juice was ok. Of course she couldn't be bothered to answer. So, she has to drink two glasses. The second she guzzles. But, she doesn't like grape juice, so she wouldn't do it. We shot it at least 5 times and she'd only sip. She figured if she didn't do it, I'd change it. But, I wasn't going to. Finally I said "We can do this 20 times, and that's a lot of grape juice. Because if you keep sipping, we keep taking." She finally figured out I wasn't kidding, and she guzzled. It was done and over. She drank about 5 more glasses of grape juice because of her stubborness. Oh, and the calories. She drank at least a quart if not more.
Steve: I'm not casting another actor because I'm not bringing anyone extra to this apartment. More people, more possibility of something bad happening. It isn't just about the actress.

Before both shots I had an actor and actress on top of her, so I could watch the monitor. So, yeah it was pretty much get on top and fuck her. I'm pretty sure I even said that. She laughed as did everyone else.

In a love scene, yes, it is pretty much just about the actress...if you're concerned with getting a good performance.

What "bad thing" is going to happen with an actor standing in an apartment, waiting to mount the actress you have no respect for?

People laugh at things, whether they are appropriate or not, because laughter is a nervous response and a defense mechanism. It doesn't mean they approve or agree. As a director, I would never say something like this to an actress in a vulnerable, uncomfortable situation. Everyone handles their sets differently.

You're obviously not PC, and that's fine if all of your actors and crew are fine with you, but this one obviously wasn't. I know you want to be acknowledged as the victim here, but as someone who knows nothing about you, it really doesn't sound like a good experience to be one of your actors.

Whatever works for you, fine, but if your intent was to post this story and have everyone agree that you're a director who has been wronged by an actress, I think you discovered many others don't see this the way you do. Whether you choose to take anything away from this or not is up to you.

In a love scene, yes, it is pretty much just about the actress...if you're concerned with getting a good performance.

What "bad thing" is going to happen with an actor standing in an apartment, waiting to mount the actress you have no respect for?

People laugh at things, whether they are appropriate or not, because laughter is a nervous response and a defense mechanism. It doesn't mean they approve or agree. As a director, I would never say something like this to an actress in a vulnerable, uncomfortable situation. Everyone handles their sets differently.

You're obviously not PC, and that's fine if all of your actors and crew are fine with you, but this one obviously wasn't. I know you want to be acknowledged as the victim here, but as someone who knows nothing about you, it really doesn't sound like a good experience to be one of your actors.

Whatever works for you, fine, but if your intent was to post this story and have everyone agree that you're a director who has been wronged by an actress, I think you discovered many others don't see this the way you do. Whether you choose to take anything away from this or not is up to you.


Sorry, in this particular case and it was minor, it's not all about the actress. Neither of these shots were anything to jump up and down about.

What bad things can happen? Jewelry was stolen from my DPs house while he had people there. At this apartment cast members with spilling crap all over the place. At my house this actress took our towels and wiped her make-up all over them. Not to mention on the walls, doors and fridge. What can happen? Wow.

That's the kind of attitude I don't understand. But, that's why I'm in charge. When I'm in charge I think of everything. I have to. Yes she was fine with the unPC, she just wasn't fine with the shot. That was her perogative, just as everything else she did was her perogative.

I like to rant every once in a while. Obviously, I don't make myself completely clear, because that would be a book. Whether people agree with me or not is up to them. But, many of the posts here have twisted what happened and why it happened. She and I have argued about it, and it's over.

Now that it's over, I'm going to make a movie with an excellent story and acting and she isn't.

As for the pain in my stomach disappearing, and my luck chaging for the better, it's already happening. Brandon who starred in Us Sinners is going to play the lead. I wrote the script for him, and we're shooting his scenes in January. I've got two fantastic actresses ready to audition and my distributor of Us Sinners has released the news that American Horrors has just signed a deal with filmco to start a 24 hour horror channel. As Mr Peterman (cult film director Joel Reed) says in Leading Lady "Good things come to good people."
What bad things can happen? Jewelry was stolen from my DPs house while he had people there. At this apartment cast members with spilling crap all over the place. At my house this actress took our towels and wiped her make-up all over them. Not to mention on the walls, doors and fridge. What can happen? Wow.

That's the kind of attitude I don't understand. But, that's why I'm in charge. When I'm in charge I think of everything. I have to.

I've never had any issues like this. I've also never had anyone on one of my sets freak out, or go all prima donna, or refuse to do a scene, or not show without warning.

So, maybe that means I have an attitude where I don't worry enough about people behaving in an out of the ordinary manner, or maybe I'm extremely lucky, or maybe I'm a good judge of character when auditioning and interviewing people for crew positions, or maybe I am in charge of my cast and crew on the set. Or some mix of those, or something else all together.

In any event, I still see why your actress was uncomfortable, and you don't, so, there ya go.

Hope you get some great shots with the new actress and that you're able to take your production to the finish line!
