Instant Karma

When I was shooting Us Sinners, a lot of the problems, headaches and weaknesses came from the fact I'd never made a movie before. I worried constantly that these fabulous actors would find out I didn't have a clue and quit. After it was all over, I found out my anxiety was completely unfounded. Everyone had a great time.

For Leading Lady I don't have that anxiety. I know what I'm doing, and I'm actually very good at it. The anxiety this time comes from my leading lady (the same one I've been bitching about here), whose mission in life is to make my life miserable and cause me as much stress as possible. When I get an e-mail or I'm in the same room as her, my stomach hurts so bad I can barely stand up straight. It's like an instant ulcer. But, once everyone is in place and shooting begins, it's pretty damn incredible. She's stunningly beautiful and naturally talented.

We have two more intense weekends to shoot and we'd have been done with her. But, besides the fact she showed up two shades darker from hanging out on the beach during the week. We got into it over a single shot and a special paragraph that I wrote to protect her from me, a person she barely knows. She took my own words, twisted them to her liking and spit them in my face. Which for me was the end.

My special paragraph states that I may ask her to do some shots that may seem questionable (example: picking up her clothes after having sex and walking to the stairway) It's not in the script, but it might be a beautiful shot. She's absolutely gorgeous. Since it's not in the script, I'd give her final say whether the shot could be used in the final edit. That's pretty generous.

This weekend we shot a short two shot scene where Nancy is having sex with a stranger she met at a coffee house. Because we were shooting at a friend's apartment, I didn't want to bring someone in to do two shots. I might be bald, but from behind, I'm fairly skinny. So, as long as my face doesn't show, you really can't tell my age. I'm also really hairy, and Nancy's suppose to have this look of complete revulsion on her face. It's a really great shot.

The second shot in the script is "He rolls off her and grabs her boob". Since I'm too old to be having sex with this young lady, I needed a replacement shot. So, I came up with a perfect one. I roll off her, she turns, sees her dead sister's picture smiling at her and she turns the picture over so she can't see it.

The problem came when the bra and shirt she held over her body so I couldn't actually touch her skin kept getting in the shot. It was late, and I said "You have to remove them". She refused. I said "This is in the script", and she said "No it's not. In the script he rolls off her and grabs her boob". So, I said "Okay, get under the blankets and we'll shoot that". She refused. We finally got a really poor shot of her flipping the photo. But she argued semantics. Yes this shot was not specifically in the script. But, it replaced a shot that was. The special paragraph was for questionable material. This wasn't questionable. Her breasts literally can not be seen. She doesn't appear naked in the movie. Her problem was the body on top of her was me.

So, after that, I shut down production. I blamed myself instead of just telling everyone I won't work with her anymore. But, the best is she writes me with " If you are considering contacting me when you are ready to start up again, please do." I set her straight today.

A question that's always bothered me was "If someone's behavior is so terrible, do you want to reward them with any kind of recognition?" If Leading Lady turns out good or bad, it's still a product. It would still get her name and face to some portion of the population. I finally decided I don't want to condone her behavior and attitude. I don't want our names associated in any way.

She also asked for scenes to use on her reel. I told her I'd only send her our 5 second bed scene. I bet she's pissed. But, I feel good.
I have to throw this into this dead thread, because it completes it.

We've been holding auditions to fill the lead actress and we've seen quite a few bad actresses, and a few really good ones. One young lady was a complete stand-out. Her talent and beauty is extremely close to the actress I fired.

As we sat and talked about the role and all it's requirements, I went through a list of crap that the first actress did or had a problem with.

I knew I had the right actress when we spoke about me being the person on top of her in the early bedroom scene. I explained about the apartment and not bringing in an extra person for this shot. Blah, blah, blah... The whole time she looked at me with this completely puzzled face and finally said "What do I care? I'm not the casting director. Whoever you say is going to do the role will do it. I'm just going to do my part."

The actress that came in and read with her, was in the room when I had the problems with the girl I fired. When this actress said that, the smile that came on her face was priceless.

Yeah, we'll be starting up again, once the weather cools down.
Can anyone link me to a read on how Hollywood usually shoots its sex scenes ? I've always been curious after seeing some movies. Like recently, Friends with Benefits. Natalie Portman is naked on set with another (naked) guy against her ? There must be some trick..
Our sex scene looks pretty convincing. No not the one I've talked about throughout this thread. A different one, between the leads.

The actress was naked with a towel between her legs, and the actor had a sock over his "you know what".

We did about ten takes because we shot it with 3 different motivations between the couple. By the last take when the actor stood up, so did the sock. :yes:
I never quite understood the ever increasing show of skin in films.

Is the actually showing the sex all that important to move the story forward? I mean sure, in certain times, it would be ok to have them, but if you have to force your actor/actress into doing them, why not just settle for something suggestive without actually showing anything too explicit?

Or are we all just so lacking in good stories that we need explicit sex scenes and elaborate special effects to distract the viewer from the fact that the plot is none-existent?
I never quite understood the ever increasing show of skin in films.

Is the actually showing the sex all that important to move the story forward? I mean sure, in certain times, it would be ok to have them, but if you have to force your actor/actress into doing them, why not just settle for something suggestive without actually showing anything too explicit?

Or are we all just so lacking in good stories that we need explicit sex scenes and elaborate special effects to distract the viewer from the fact that the plot is none-existent?

I will give you an explanation for this. Because I actually have one.

I was with you on nudity and sex. I find most of it gratuitous and worthless to say the least.

When I made my first picture Us Sinners my Producer said "George make sure you have some T&A". I agreed, and two actresses signed releases to appear topless. When we were shooting and it got to the scenes where they should be topless, I decided to not shoot their breasts. I thought the movie had enough crazy, insane parts that it wasn't needed. However, I did have the lead actor show his ass quite a few times. So, in a sense it did have some form of nudity.

Numerous reviewers who enjoyed the movie commented on the lack of female T&A. But, the worst was the movie was turned down by two distribution companies (one that I really wanted to sign it) because of the lack of T&A. This particular company e-mailed me "This is the best grindhouse movie to pass across my desk this year. Unfortunately due to the lack of T & A we are going to have to pass.

So, now when I see a pair of breasts bobbing up and down in the stupidest and gratutious way, I understand exactly why they're there.

As for the nudity in Leading Lady, it is all perfectly placed, and not gratuitous.
I suppose the filmmaker aren't the ones to take the full blame... I just fear what our society is taking the art of film making, the way the Romans' took the Greeks' theater and turned it into amphitheater.

( And for anyone who don't know, the theater was originally a place of poetry reading and drama performances. Originally all death in story was done off scene, with a messenger running up to exclaim who and who died. When Romans conquered Athens, they had real slaves die on stage as part of the story. The story the Romans enjoyed got more violent and more violent, until no story existed. The theater grow bigger and bigger until comes the famous colosseum where criminals was placed against beasts, and men are made to fight one another to death, while the audience watched and gambled on who would win...)