IndieTalk Weekly Challanges Proposal

I think this would be an awesome idea, I have yet to be inspired to do much with filmmaking and I think these would be great
Heh, you sure picked an oldie to bump up :)

Fwiw, this eventually evolved into Ray's YouTube content-generating experiment, Social Brainwave... where he (and everyone else) discovered it's a lot harder to commit to a weekly content output than it seems.

Props to those who can keep it coming. :)

Fwiw, this eventually evolved into Ray's YouTube content-generating experiment, Social Brainwave... where he (and everyone else) discovered it's a lot harder to commit to a weekly content output than it seems.

Props to those who can keep it coming. :).


Ain't that the bloody truth.

Props, indeed.
What if the deadline is a month with weekly updates on the progress of the projects. If someone looks like they won't make the deadline for one of the months then perhaps they will have something for the next month. In this way you will at least have one or two projects to showcase in a single month, or more if it's feasible and there will be something to showcase for every month of the year.

Ain't that the bloody truth.

Props, indeed.

For me, it provided inspiration to improve the quality of my work one by one. I am still really struggling to produce the look and feel I want in camera, but have been focused on the details and less on the overall projects. I really want to get my camera operation under control, use of lenses, and lighting. For me, again, to put all the aspects of making a short film/video series together while under the gun seems harder to accomplish, in order to hone my individual goals. I do really like the idea, and would love to participate, but maybe in the future, or if now, then in collaboration with an editor, sound designer, and writer.
I have actually taken up the idea of wedding photography/videography to push myself into using a camera in a demanding environment. No more fooling around, must focus... hahaha:yes:

I have done some small skit's for my kids though, if anyone cares to check them out, here's a link:

or this one:
What if the deadline is a month with weekly updates on the progress of the projects. If someone looks like they won't make the deadline for one of the months then perhaps they will have something for the next month. In this way you will at least have one or two projects to showcase in a single month, or more if it's feasible and there will be something to showcase for every month of the year.

Good idea. Anyone else want in on this? :)
I think that it's all a great idea. I just spent a bit reading all posts in this thread.
Usually my problem is the total lack of an idea for a film, so maybe challenges can help me.

And a month is just the right amount of time to get something short done. Because if it requires many actors/people it's hard to organize it shortly.
Usually my problem is the total lack of an idea for a film, so maybe challenges can help me.......

Let's pick a theme.

Let's say: next deadline is february 13th.
Theme: Valentine's day

Be free with genre and storyline. It could be comedy, horror, romantic, drama, tragedy or a romantic sci-fi horror comedy :p
No longer than 5 minutes (?)

In case you need help with planning this will give you some targets before the deadline.
Idea/concept and maybe script ready: jan 12th (make sure you start contacting people see whether they might be interested to join you in this project)
Script ready, locations secured and maybe recruited all cast and crew: jan 19th
Storyboard/shotlist, cast, crew and planning ready: jan 25th
Shooting asap: between jan 20th and feb 5th
Edit asap
First cut ready before feb 9th.
Upload deadline: feb 13th.

Feb 14th: spend the day with your love instead of stressing on a deadline :p

Good luck!

(I'm probably too busy and recently I already spent 2,5 weeks on 'A shock before Christmas' : I need to focus on work now.)
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I am willing to be involved in a screenwriter's capacity in people's projects or I could come up with a screenplay for someone else to produce. I am even willing just to be involved in looking at a screenplay to give any feedback that comes to mind from reading it.
Good idea WalterB. Although maybe that's a bit too much time. I think one of the major points of the challenge is to keep us active as filmmakers. So.... maybe we aim the challenge at a sooner date and do your suggestion for later in January/early February?


Deadline: January 26


The story must revolve around a phone and a misinterpreted message.
There must be at least ONE comedic scene or line.
Can be a Screenplay or Short Film/Video.

This one is for screenwriters and filmmakers :)
Yes I hope so too :D. These types of things can be difficult because you don't know until the deadline arrives what you will end up having - either something or nothing.
Yep. Hopefully some others will see and get interested. Oh, and incase someone missed it...


Deadline: January 26


The story must revolve around a phone and a misinterpreted message.
There must be at least ONE comedic scene or line.
Can be a Screenplay or Short Film/Video.

This one is for screenwriters and filmmakers :)
Short screenplay submission for the challenge:

The Right Wrong Number

First Draft
7 Pages
Characters - Sam, Carl, Elderly Man
Extras - multiple background only


Sometimes a wrong number can turn out to be the right one. Sometimes one human being just needs a little help from another. Sam's job is to listen. It's what his job description at the Phoenix Cleaning Products call center entails. Normally he deals with complaints, and quite happily too, for he enjoys his job unlike his peers, especially Carl. But today he is going deal with a call of a different kind...

