Hey sometimes when I am wanting to go on indietalk weather it's to post something or look for
Advice, I'm not always at home at my computer to get on. Yeah I can use the browser on my phone and login then have to zoom in to read things meant for a computer. The point is I think it would be useful to make an app for the website so it's mobile friendly. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought of this I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened yet. Just my idea though.
I'm trying to find this forum on tapatalk and it comes up with no results. Does it come up under different name maybe?
I actually have a bitter hatred towards tapatalk, despite never having used it. Every time I hit a site or forum that uses it on my phone it pops up a message suggesting I download it. When I'm searching for a solution to a problem I often will hit 4-5 results in a row which all pop up the same annoying message. If indietalk starts doing that I'll have to... well, I don't know, something. Get angry at my phone. Get off my forum you damn apps!