IMpulse - An Experimental Short

Hello Indietalk fam!

I'm finally working on filmmaking again after a little break to recoup passion and funds.

This one is based on a poem I wrote about impulsive natures, addiction, and the struggle to silence the mind in order to avoid heartbreak and destruction.

It's a heavy topic, so I thought going full on experimental would help propel the tone and imagery of the film.

Got some raw footage so far, with me Acting in it as well as Directing. Jeeeez, let me tell you..... The bathtub scene was hard to do!!! SO MUCH WATER UP MY NOSE HOLES!!!!! Hated every minute, but I think that just adds to the mood of the scene. Haha. Below is a thumbnail of the upcoming teaser trailer.

IM_pulse Thumb.png

Next will be a "gluttony" scene in the kitchen. Should be fun! I'm just happy to finally be working on stuff again. It's ben a long time away from the camera. Feels so good to get the creative juices flowing.
View attachment 1803

All in all, everything went pretty smoothly considering. I still have a hard time figuring out if the light on my green screens are bright enough for editing. I think even for this shot, it wasn't bright enough unfortunately. Oh well, maybe some artifacts will add to the overall look of the film?

I'm going to be releasing a BTS video on the YouTube channel tomorrow morning, so I'll make sure to share that up here when it drops.

The only things left for this short are finishing up the remaining b-roll shots I need to replace my stock footage clips.... That way I don't need to pay as much to finish the film. Most of the shots I can get myself, with the only stock clips needed being the ones that show a family walking through grassy fields in the bright warm sunset. Impossible to do during the coldest winter on the books.

Hope you all enjoy reading and looking at this stuff! Till next time.
Wow! The set looks really artistic and amazing man. Let your creativity continue to thrive! Ur doing some really great stuff here. Also don’t worry if your screen isn’t green enough, in post coloring just remember you can make it greener Digitally. Will watch your BTS soon.
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