series I'm watching Cobra Kai

I agree. The Way of the Fist has limited utility in modern society.

I wish that we still had duels. Not to the death mind you.
But if two people have cause to fight and agree to duel it should be none of the police business.

We live in a society where weak people are too afraid to stand up for themselves bc we have been taught to let lawyers and police do our fighting for us. and that if you stand up for yourself you can end up in jail or sued.
I wish that we still had duels. Not to the death mind you.
But if two people have cause to fight and agree to duel it should be none of the police business.

We live in a society where weak people are too afraid to stand up for themselves bc we have been taught to let lawyers and police do our fighting for us. and that if you stand up for yourself you can end up in jail or sued.
Yeah... I don't let ANY of THAT STOP ME. LOL. Just sayin'.
Yeah... I don't let ANY of THAT STOP ME. LOL. Just sayin'.

I can't use public restrooms (shy bladder/paruresis) and prison/jail have the worst public toilets ever. so what would i do, hold my bladder?? not tolerable because my bladder pain from interstitial cystitis is so extreme.

I took some benadryl once not knowing it causes urinary retention, the pain from that one night was so bad it caused emotional breakdowns for two days afterwards. most people have never experienced pain that bad, usually pain is just something that comes and goes. it doesn't have lasting consequences. well we all have our cross to bear, i'm not throwing a pity party i just want to say that the thought of being arrested is pretty stressful for me.

I wish I could be more bold in life.
If we had real duels I would not be afraid to fight someone.
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