I'm new here

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Michael and I just started at the Art Institute of Dallas two months ago. I'm studying for my bachelors in Digital Filmmaking & Video Production. I love it so far and can't wait to go further.

I've already volunteered as a production assistant & grip on student film. It was a senior thesis film and I was the only freshman there. It was a 12-hour shoot. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from everyone. I'm always looking for new projects to work on. Recently, I took up photography and really enjoy it now.

My ultimate goal is to become a writer and director. I'm also interested in editing, cinematography and art direction. I realize that I won't start out as a director and will work my way up. I've already started on a few ideas for short film scripts.

My first question: Is anyone here in the Dallas area and need a production assistant for a project?
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