I'm convinced the Premeire Membership Forums are designed solely to make fun of us.

Here's the big secret. They don't actually discuss filmmaking. They just talk about how lame all us non-premeire suckers are. And then they send back the results of their sociological surveys and militaristic scouting to the crab-people.
I see their brainwashing experiment worked wonders on you, spinner. I worry what might happen if you ever hear a techno remix of the dance-classic "Relax", by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.
That reminds me... We're like 2 months late on the Member of the Month...

Don't forget I stuck up for this forum against a libel campaign in April/May, helped a lot of newbies out with audio, and made every one of you laugh -- more than once.

Plus, my first post is about to hit 2K views.
That’s what I’m saying, we sell their organs to fund a horror flick!
I mean, who cares, they’re all just a bunch of non premiere mem….

Opps.. Wrong thread!

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I see their brainwashing experiment worked wonders on you, spinner. I worry what might happen if you ever hear a techno remix of the dance-classic "Relax", by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

Being from Michigan, I could hear all the techno I wanted Memorial Day Weekend at the Detroit Electronic Music Festival.

....too bad I'm a Metalhead....:bang:

-- spinner :cool:
too bad I'm a Metalhead....:bang:

That's my kind of gal!
I like metal too. Not much into techno. Hard rock or grunge is my favoirte. But I am kinda stuck in the 90s. My favorite bands are from the early 90s and late 80s. But some of them still make records so that is great. STP just had a new album out. The Toadies are still together. Monster Magnet still makes music. AC DC just had a new album not long ago. Motely Crue came out with a new album a few years ago that was great. So who knows. Just loving music still. I still love to listen to AFD and Illusions from GNR.

As far as Metal I listen mainly to Metallica and Megadeth.

As far as the premeire membership I have no clue. I would think it would be wroth trying out.

Why did you post a pic of Jerry Seinfeld with long hair?

Listening to metal is not very good for the ears. I can't listen to that stuff =/