I didn't know this was possible.

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Okay trying again.


Okay its too small. Its a banana with an address written directly on it with a postage sticker. And it was delivered in the bag with a note from the postman that say, "I wrapped this so my truck wouldn't smell like ripe banana all day. :)
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Pretty awesome! Reminds me of a story I read years ago in one of the old Re/Search books about the birth of industrial culture. In the late 70s, Monty Cazazza and Genesis P-Orridge (of Throbbing Gristle and later Psychic TV) would mail each other increasingly vile and hazardous objects. I can't remember the whole story, but I remember Genesis at one point saying "okay, joke's over", but Monty just wouldn't stop. I don't think it was the sole reason, but I'm pretty sure this was a factor in Genesis getting kicked out of the UK for a while. He's a pretty weird guy in general.

The banana is just priceless!