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screenplay Humans (+1): Hope`s Heart - publishing screenplay as book

Hello Creative Minds,

In this post i would like to share a strategy i am working on, to help build public endorsements to screenplay, and used that as part of pitch presentation, but also i need your consultation on something

First the strategy is as following:

1- Re-format screenplay so it become more accessible by general reader, either turn it to a novel or prepare special format
2- publishing the screenplay with its own book cover, in collaboration with one of publishing houses
3- if narrative was interesting enough, i may earn public endorsements as book
4- use such info to prepare my pitch for either crowdfunding or contacting certain investors

I am working now on applying this strategy on one of my works,

Humans (+1): Hope`s Heart (1st chapter of Humans Positive series)

for this work, i am preparing two version of work, one as novel, and one as screenplay within special format
therefore I have prepared cover book to be used for both versions, which is original illustration

I would like to know your opinion and guidance on two matters:

1- Do you know any specific publishing house that is open to publish screenplay as book?
2- I would like to know your opinion on format used for screenplay, do you think if published to public will become readable and enjoyable same as reading any novel

attached pdf of screenplay 4 pages (Cover page, Story summery page and two scenes of screenplay)


1- Do you know any specific publishing house that is open to publish screenplay as book?
No, I don't of know any specific publishing house that is open to publish screenplay
as book. Book publishers publish books. Not screenplays
2- I would like to know your opinion on format used for screenplay, do you think if published to public will become readable and enjoyable same as reading any novel
This is not a screenplay format. So anyone who reads screenplays will not enjoy
reading this. And readers of novels will not enjoy your format.

I understand that you want to shake up the established norms for readers. Do
you know why? If you want to help build public endorsements to screenplay then
write a wonderful novel. The general public does not read (not want to read)
No, I don't of know any specific publishing house that is open to publish screenplay
as book. Book publishers publish books. Not screenplays

This is not a screenplay format. So anyone who reads screenplays will not enjoy
reading this. And readers of novels will not enjoy your format.

I understand that you want to shake up the established norms for readers. Do
you know why? If you want to help build public endorsements to screenplay then
write a wonderful novel. The general public does not read (not want to read)
Hi Rik,

Thank you for your valuable feedback, I will consider what you have said,

1- if chosen path should be to public = write a novel
2- if chosen path is filmmaking industry = write a screenplay in expected formate
3- do not try to mix things up to try shortcuts, because unknown shortcuts will lead to no one
Translation: I don't know how to write in screenplay format so I will just create my own instead of learning it. Yes/No?
I am learning our dear admin, and I will keep learning regardless of my achievements and failures , some people learn by following the best route , others by trial and error to understand the true meaning behind everything, I am the 2nd type, but I appreciate all feedbacks and guidance, then, I think I will re-write my screenplay in usual format and share it for feedback

Thanks again for all the guidance and support
I like the story Idea and your concept of combining screen play with the book. My wife is a librarian so I always start with a book or directory when I looking for information like how to publish. I did a search on agent directories and the first three books that came up may help you out. Good luck with the adventure!