See. You have to be open and transparant about the risks involved to your investors.
So, show them wat previous projects made and second tell them that there is also a very real chance they will have a loss if the movie does not sell. However, they do have a tax deduction and that is a nice thing. We call it a C.V. here (Commanditair Venootschap) . Not sure what the English name for it is. It is also used for investors who wish to invest in the building of cruise ships and such. Its like a .LTD but with like 20 to a 100 stakeholders.
But those investors are just part of the total budget. The other part is local subsidies.
I do not know about other countries or the U.S. but here in Europe and specifically the Netherlands there are a lot of subsidies for either culture, education or a lot of other communal purposes.
So there are subsidies from the citycouncils, from the provincial governments, from the national government and of course there's the E.U.
Then there's a lot of privatly owned funds from banks, insurers or other large companies that gladly sponsor cultural or art projects.
When played smart you can aquire 50% of your budget from these sources. Free.
If you have aquired lets say 50.000 to a 100.000 in subsidies the other half will be gladly put up front by investors.
A very important part in all of this is to set up a 'special purpose vehicle' for the movie.
Then you can funnel the funds towards that vehicle.
Another part is getting it pre sold to a distributor. That is very hard for your first feature, but gets easier after the second or third. Especially if it made them money with previous features.
I could go on and on, but there are a lot of funnels for financing that can be tapped if done right and smart.
There is also like a national filmfund here, that hand out millions. But that is a corrupt bunch of directors in the board that only hand out to other directors that where previously in the board. So only a small group of directors benefit from it.
Also the movies they make are boring movies that handle subjects like gender issues, LGHtBXYZQLOL etc rights, the environment, global warming, inclusivity and other stuff no one cares about in a movie or movies no one wants to see anyway.
I dont know. They bore the hell out of me anyway. Maybe others like these kindsof movies... I dont know. It might also be that I am just jealous for not having acces to that big pot of gold

Anyway. If you can make your movie for 100 to 200k with some decent quality, nice production value, a named actor and most important off all entertaining enough to sell, theres plenty of chances for anyone here.