Risks and challenges
In every project you have your risks and challenges. My biggest challenge at the moment is not having the funds to make this project come alive.
This suggests you have no idea what risks and challenges are about.

Take a little more time to show you are serious about the project.
Seriously, Nick sums it up.
Your page lacks a few things:
- a motivation why we should think you can do this
- a proper call to action
- any background info on you
Flexible funding is considered tacky by many people: what happens if you collect $40,- from 1 backer: what kind of DVD will (s)he get? I can't be the one you promised.
I also wonder: 5% campaign fee?
Do you mean that part IGG takes?
What you take for you effort of running a campaign?
Or what do you mean?
You need a better pitch video than 3 shots and no real call to action.
A pitchvideo for a campaign hoping to raise money for a movie is a bit of a pudding eating thing where the proof is in

Great video inspires confidence that you can do it and the will to support.
A pointless video (aka no obvious call to action except a youtube annotation) makes the viewer wonder what to do now.
For more inspiration:
http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=39742 tons of posts about campaigns.
My questions to you:
- how many people did you contact already?
- how many of them did you inform before the campaign started?
- what is your current reach on social media?