Kinda going over old ground here (see
this thread from June 1st and
this other one from June 2nd) so I'm not really sure whether the following comments will be of any additional help, but let's give it a try, even if it's completely off topic for the thread ...
If you need army, then you're definitely going about things the wrong way; and if you (think you) need a larger audience before you grow something, then ... you're going about things the wrong way. As far as this thread is concerned, you find either the larger audience or an army here.
Again, if this is where you are in the development of the project, you're not ready to go big. You have to accept that the
vast majority of people, regardless of how intelligent they are, are not naturally inclined to engage with something that need a lot of explaining.
Now before I upset you with some hard truths, I'll repeat what I said in
this post: I've been in your position before, and if you
don't simplify the project and its presentation, it'll run aground.
I've had a look at your site, and it's a mess. Lots of words, but very little information, and the words are badly chosen even to do what you want. This matches your posts here, where you write
a lot! - which is fine amongst friends, but not at all appropriate for a presentation to an uninformed audience of strangers. Instead of adding more information, you first need to radically clean up what you've already written. Make it very clear and very simple, using the bare minimum of jargon and buzzwords.
Next: on the site, and on here, you emphasise over and over and over again how big and expansive this project is. But (standby - bursting bubble alert

) it's not
really that big or that expansive. Compared to, say, shutterstock, you have almost nothing in the way of images. In fact, I dare say you have less in the way of background images than I have in my photo archive for each of my most recent serious trips. How many TB of data does the project
in it's current state take up? Don't oversell what is, in essence, a very simple concept: a digital version of the CYOA books. All the stuff about collaboration and shared resources is irrelevant right now if you don't have your 10-words-or-less description in place.
And where's the demo? The site's home page has a load of images sliding around all over the place in pseudo-parallax: lots of visual confusion, yet nothing that says "Try Me!" and gives a clear, simple demo of an adventure. Instead of pouring energy into trying to find "an army" for which you have no clear mission objective, you should be looking for
one person to write
one set of scripts for
one adventure; and
one person to produce
one set of graphics for the same adventure, and
one sound engineer to produce
one set of effects for the experience.
Only once you've done that will you have any hope of attracting more interest; but equally, once you've done that, you can much more effectively target your recruitment efforts - because you'll then have your simple selling point: on a creative writing forum -
"See this story? Fancy writing a plot fork for it?" To a class of graphic artists
- "See this plot fork? Fancy doing the graphics for it?" On a board such as IndieTalk
- "See this narrative and graphics? Fancy doing the sound for it?"
Once again, I'll say that I think you're "in too deep" and have lost your sense of perspective. Both the site and your posts here suggest you're completely submerged by the potential vastness of the idea and not paying enough attention to the fundamentals, and probably making things unnecessarily confusing for your users with too many words. You need to fix that.